LL"'IK r , DASD vaddr2 LINKED RIO; R/i BY {nnn ?SERS}I; R/O BY {nnn USERS}' user1d, use rid , L J
and that no other users are linked to the same disk.
This response indicates that a read-on IV link to the given disk is established for a LINK request with a mode of RR, but warns that
the disk is in read/write use by some users and possibly in read use by some users. If only one user has access, the number of users DASD vaddr2 LINKED R/W; R/O BY {nnn ?SERS} user1d
(nnn USERS) is replaced by userid.
This response indicates that a read/write link to the given disk is establisbed for a LINK request with a mode of or Ki, and
informs you that the disk is also in "read-only use by userid or by
nnn users. (No other users have a read/write link to the disk.)
r , DASD vaddr2 LINKED R/W; R/i BY {nnn ?SERS} I; R/O BY {nnn , user1d, userl.d, L J
This response indicates that a read/write link to the given disk is established for a LINK request with a mode of but warns you
that the disk is also in read/write use by some users and possibly
in read use by some users. If only one user has access, the number
of users (nnn USERS) is replaced by userid.
94 Command Reference for General Users
LOADVFCB Use the LOADVFCB command to specify the forms control buffer image for a
virtual spooled 3203 or 3211 printer. The format of the LOADVFCB command is:
r----- I LOADVFCB vaddr Fcb name [Index [nn]]
vaddr is the virtual device address (cuu) of the virtual spooled
3203 or 3211 printer.
FCB is a required reserved keyword meaning Forms Control Buffer.
name is a system-defined name for the 3203 or 3211 FCB image which is to be the controlling virtual FCB image. INDEX [nn]
for the 3211 only, is the number of the print position that is
the first print position. The value, nn, must be a number
from 1 through 31; a leading zero need not be specified. If
the keyword INDEX is specified without a value, the index
defaults to the value specified in the FCB macro. See the a discussion of the FCB
macro and forms control images.
The 3203 does not support the index feature and rejects any
attempt to issue the INDEX operand.
1. The LOADVFCB command can be used with installations that do not
have a 3203 or 32111 printer. The virtual machine's directory entry must indicate a 3203 or 3211, even though the program and operating system have a 1403 printer defined. Then the LOADVFCB command can be used to specify a virtual FCB image for 1403 printers so that programs that use printer overflow sensing
may be spooled to disk.
2. If no virtual FCB image has been previously loaded for a spooled, 3203 or 3211 printer, the following default virtual FCB
image is used: r- , I Line spacing = 6 lines/inch 1 I 1 ILength of page = 6·6 lines I 1 1 1 Page line 11 21 31 4, 51 61 11 81 91 101 111 601 1 1 I 1 1 I I I , 1 I 1 1 I I I Channel skip 11 21 31 41 51 61 11 81 91 101 111 121 I I I I I I I , I I I I I L- I Section 5. Format of CP Commands 95
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