CP Command Reference for General Users (Rel 6 PLC 17 Apr81)
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ORDER 4. When duplicate spoolids are present, the ORDER command resequences only the first duplicate spool file found. 5. The order terminal of voor spool files may change without warninq between sessions if the system was restarted with a checkpoint { nnnn} FILES ORDERED NO the number of files that were placed in order. It is not displayel if you issued the CP SET IMSG OFF command. 106 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
PURGE Use the DURGE command to remove your own closed spool files from the system befoLe they are printed or punched by the spooling devices, or before they are read by a user. The format of the PURGE command is: r , I PURge 1 \ I Reader p • t ! I ( -. UnCh I ALL r ICLass c1 CLass c2 ••• Ispoolid1 spoolid2 ••• lab!: L 1 I I I I I IlA combination of CLASS and spoolid specifications may be entered. L FEADER FDR PRINTER PRT PUNCH PCH ALL ___________________________________________________________ .J purqes reader files. purges printer spool files. pULqes punch spool files. pULges all reader, printer, and punch spool files. When ALL is specified instead of a device all other operands are iqnored. CLASS c1 CLASS c2 ••• are the class(es) of files to be purged. CLASS is a required reserved word and c1, c2, ••• are one-character alphameric fields (with values from A to z and 0 to 9) that represent spoolinq classes. spoolid1 spoolid2 ••• are the spo0lids of specific files to be purged. purges all files of the specified type (reader, printer, or punc:h) • 1. Anv closed spool file, owned by you, may be purged, regardless of its status, as lonq as it has not been selected for processing. 2. Purqinq can be specifications. done using a combination For example: purge printer class A 1932 class D 619 of CLASS and spoolid specifies that all class A and class D printer files and printer files spoolids of 1932 and 619 are to be purged. section 5. Format of CP Commands 107