36 IBM CP Command Reference for General Users
Section 4. Notational Conventions
The notation to define the command syntax for VM/370 is: Truncations and of Commands and Operands Where of a command name is permitted, the shortest version of the command is represented by uppercase letters. (Remember, however, that VM/370 commands can be entered with any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.t
The followinq examples show the format specifications as used:
Disolav DISConn The for Display means that D, DI, DIS, DISP, DISPL, DISPLA, and DISPLAY can be used. The format for INDicate means that IND, II"DI, INDIC, INDICA, INDICAT, and INDICATE can be typed. The format
for DrSConn means that DISC, DISCO, DISCON, and DISCONN can be used.
Each of the examples given are shown with the valid specifications for the command name. Operanjs are specified in the same manner. Where truncation is
oermitted, the shortest acceptable version of the operand is representej by uppercase letters in the command format box. If no truncation is noted, the entire word (represented by all
capital letters) must be entered.
Abbreviations are shorter forms of command names and operands.
Abbreviations for command names are shown below the full name in the
format box. Abbreviations for operands are shown in the description
of the individual operands that follows the format box. For example,
the operand READER has both a minimum truncation and an abbreviation.
In the format box, it is shown as: Feader indicatinq that the minimum truncation is R. In the discussion of
the operand that follows the format block, it is shown as:
indicatinq that the
specifications for the
abbreviation is RDR. Thus, the acceptable
READER operand are: R, RE, REA, READ, READE, The fJllowinq symbols are used to define the command format and never be typed when the actual command is entered.
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ellipsis Section 4. Notational Conventions 37
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