VMDUMP {-:} hexlo:;2 f.}bytecollnt ""0 llserid !Q * SYSTE'1 FORMAT vmtype is the last hexadecimal virtllal storage address dumped.
If the user does not specify the hexloc2 operand, the
default is END, and CP dumps the contents of virtual
machine storage starting from hexloc1 to the end of virtual storage. The user must precede the hexloc2
operand with one of the allowable delimiters {either a dash or a colon} to dump the contents of more than one
location by storage address. For example, if the user
vmdump :2000 or
vmdump -2000 CP takes a dump of the contents of virtual storage from
hexadecimal location zero (the default for hexloc1) to
hexadecimal address 2000. See Usage Notes 1 and 4 for an expanded explanation of the use of delimiters. The user
may specify up to a maximum of three different virtual
machine storage areas he wishes to dump each time he
issues the VMDUMP command. The user must specify a value for hexloc2 which is greater than hexloc1 value. The
hexloc2 value must not exceed the limit of virtual
is the hexadecimal number of bytes dumped, starting with
the first byte of virtual storage at hexloc1. If the
user does not specify bytecount, the default is END, and Cp takes a dump of the contents of virtual machine
storage from the first byte at hexloc1 to the end of virtual storage. The user must specify a period (.)
delimiter if he wants to dump the contents of more than
one storage location by bytecount. When the user enters:
vmdump 1000. 20 Cp takes a dump of the virtual storage contents from
hexadecimal location 1000 for a length of X'20' bytes.
See Usage Note 2 for an expanded explanation of delimiter
transfers the dump to the virtual card reader of the specified. If the user enters an asterisk after TO, CP transfers the dump to the user's own virtual card
transfers the dump to the virtual card reader of the
userid specified on the SYSDUMP operand of the SYSOPR system generation macro instruction. The user must not specify TO preceding the keyword SYSTEM. provides VM/IPCS Extension with the virtual machine type (vmtype) which VM/IPCS Extension uses to format the dump.
The vmtype keyword is a one-to-eight byte name of the
operating system runnina in a virtual machine (for CMS). CP also uses the specified vmtype"as the virtual card reader filetype. CP does not validity check
the vmtype. Any vmtype longer than eight bytes generates
an error message and halts further VMDUMP processing.
The dump header record includes the user specified vmtype
and the VM/IPCS Extension uses the vmtype information to
format the dump. If the user enters FORMAT, he must also
specify a vmtype. If he does not specify FORMAT, the
default vmtype is FILE. See Usage Note 3. 170 IBM VM/370 CP Command Feference for General Users
DSS *dumpid VMDUMP specifies that CP take a dump of all discontiguous saved
segments in use by the user's virtual machine.
is a line of user input up to 100 characters long
including imbedded blanks asterisks which the user
can enter for his own benefit (that is, for descriptive purposes, such as the time and date of the dump, or what was being processed at the time of the dump) If the
user specifies this operand, it becomes the DMPDMPID field in the dump file information record data
area. If specified, user must enter *dumpid as the
last operand on the VMDUMP command line.
1. The jump profile produced contains a whole number of 4K pages. CP rounds down the hex1oc1 operand to a 4K boundary if its value is
not a multiple of 4K. CP rounds up the hex10c2 operand to a 4K boundary minus one.
2. Due to 4K boundary rounding for the hex1oc1 operand, additional dumps of up to 4095 more bytes than the user specified can occur.
3. If the user enters the FORMAT operand followed by another valid of the VMDUMP command (for example, SYSTEM),:P uses the keywnrd following FORMAT as the vmtype and CP ignores the normal
meaninq of the keyword following FORMAT. 4. If the user omits a dash or a colon between the hex1oc1 and hex1oc2 operands, and he separates the operands with one or more blanks, CP dumps only the storage contents at those two specific hexadecimal
addresses. The user must insert blanks to separate operands or
sets of operands if he specifies more than one operand on the
command line. The user must not insert blanks to the left or right
of the rancre or length delimiters (-, :, or .) unless he intends to use the default value of the missing operand that the blank
5. First level storage is main storage. CP, however, dumps only
second storaqe (that is, storage VM/370 creates for the
guest virtual machine.) Operating systems running in a guest virtual machine such as OS/VS and DOS/VS, have virtual (third
level) storage of their own. CP cannot dump this third level storage direct1v. The user or the virtual operating system is
responsible for converting any third level storage addresses to
second level storage addresses before issuing the command. COMMAND COMPLETE is the response indicating normal completion of the VMDUMP function.
section 5. Format of CP :ommands 171
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