and punch files onlv. The value of nn (number of copies)
must be a number from 1 through 99. For nn less than 10, the
specified on print files to be spooled to the 3800 printer.
The asterisk (*) forces the 3800 printer to perform the file
device every time a copy is desired.
it is released. The file
is issued with the
chanqes the distribution code specified in the
the specified file only. The distribution code appears on
no effect on reader files.
signifies that a forms overlay contained in the 3800 printer
be superimposed onto certain pages of the output. The name,
one to four characters, identifies the forms overlay to be
to be superimposed. The default, 0, indicates no
superimposing is desired.
file on the 3800. This function makes it possible to alter
text bv either preventing printing of certain information or
without modification.
specifies the character arrangement table used when printing
a file. The name must be from one to four characters; it
determines which writable character generation module
controls the vertical spacing of output on a page. The name
must be from one to four characters.
filename and filetype. The field, fn, is a one-to
eight-character alphameric filename
identification. The field, ft, is a one-to eight-character
If ft is not specified, the filetype is set to blanks.
assigns identification to the spool file in a
The field, dsname, is a 1-to 24-character field suitable for
specifying as or