CHANGE :OPY[*lnn specifies the number of copies of the file to be spooled to the virtual output device. The option is valid for printer
and punch files onlv. The value of nn (number of copies)
must be a number from 1 through 99. For nn less than 10, the leading zero is optional. The optional asterisk (*) can be
specified on print files to be spooled to the 3800 printer.
The asterisk (*) forces the 3800 printer to perform the file duplication internally one page at a time. This option avoids retransmission of the print file to the virtual output
device every time a copy is desired. HOLD prevents the file from being printed, punched, or read until
it is released. The file released when the CHANGE command
is issued with the NOHOLD operand specified. NOHOLD releases the specified file from user HOLD status. DIST dist
chanqes the distribution code specified in the VM/370 directory to the distcode specified on the command line, for
the specified file only. The distribution code appears on the output separators of the printer and punch output; it has
no effect on reader files. FL1\SH name nn MODIFY nane CHARS name FCB name
signifies that a forms overlay contained in the 3800 printer
be superimposed onto certain pages of the output. The name,
one to four characters, identifies the forms overlay to be used in the projection. The number nn can be anything from 0 to 99. The number specifies the first nn pages of output are
to be superimposed. The default, 0, indicates no
superimposing is desired. a copy modification module to be used when printing a
file on the 3800. This function makes it possible to alter
text bv either preventing printing of certain information or adding labels to output. The must be one to four If the name is omitted, the file prints normally
without modification.
specifies the character arrangement table used when printing
a file. The name must be from one to four characters; it
determines which writable character generation module (WCGM) is used for printing on the 3800.
controls the vertical spacing of output on a page. The name
must be from one to four characters. NAME in fft 1 NAME dsna:ne assians identification to the spool file in the CMS format
filename and filetype. The field, fn, is a one-to
eight-character alphameric filename assigned to the file for
identification. The field, ft, is a one-to eight-character
alphameric filetype assigned to the file for identification.
If ft is not specified, the filetype is set to blanks.
assigns identification to the spool file in a non-eMS format.
The field, dsname, is a 1-to 24-character field suitable for
specifying as or DOS files (for example, SYS1.SYSLIB.MYMAC). 50 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
1. Issue the QnERY command to determine the current attributes of the
2. In order to chanqe an output file, the file must have been closed blt not selected for printing or punching.
3. An input (READER) file can be changed at any time before it is openea, that is, before the first read is issued for the file. Use the QUERY command to verify the new attributes of the file or
files. If the spoolid operand is used and if more than one spool file with that number exists, then only the first spool file encountered is
6. Uniqle to spool class X is a special line of text that can be printed on the separator page and at the top of each page of
printer output. The default line internal to the system's program is a line of blanks. If you wish to use this spool class X facility, ask your system programmer to modify the text to your
7. In order to print on the 3800, the name the user specifies in the FLASH option must match the FLASH name the VM/370 operator
specifies in the START command, unless the FLASH number nn is o. If the number is 0 or the FLASH option is omitted, a file still
prints on the 3800 as long as the spool file class matches the
print class desiqnated by the installation for the 3800. If a user
fails to meet these requirements, the spool file is submitted to
another printer and the special 3800 print options are ignored.
8. When a spool file containing special 3800 options is spooled to a
printer other than the 3800, the options are ignored and printing occurs normally.
9. An FCB name of 6, 8, or 12 avoids an FCB forms mismatch. These
special FC3 specifications print the entire spool file at 6, 8, or
12 lines per inch regardless of the paper size. VM/370 calculates
the proper FCB form to load. 10. When the 3800 printer is activated, the operator specifies the
character arranqement table and the FCB value that prints the separator page for every output file. If a user omits the CHARS option on a file spooled to the 3800, the printing defaults to the character arranqement table previously defined by the operator.
This is also the case for the FCB option.
11. issues a message to the user whenever a file spooled to the 3800 printer contains invalid or undefined option names. If the operator has not automatically purged the file, the user can correct the situation via the CHANGE command or spool the file to
another printer.
nnnn} FILES NO section 5. Format of CP Commands 51
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