DUMP mast be issued for the spooled virtual printer.
6. vou should define beginning and ending dump locations in
the manner:
dump Lhexloc1-hexloc2
dump Lhexloc1.bytecount
dump Lhexloc1-hexloc2 hexloc1.bytecount * dumpid
If, however, a blank follows the type character (L or T) or the
character and the hexloc, the default dump starting and ending
locations are assumed to be the beginning and/or end of virtual If a dash or a colon is not specified between the hexloc1
and hexloc2 operands and the two operands are separated by one or blanks only the contents of the locations defined by the two
operands is dumped. Blanks are used to separate operands or sets
of operands if more than one operand is entered on the same command
line. Blanks must not be used to the riqht or left of range or
length delimiters ( : or -or .), unless it is intended to take the
default value of the missing operand defined by the blank. Thus,
all the followinq produce full storaqe dumps:
dump 1 dump t: dump O-end dump t 1ump 1. dump l:end
dump -dump t. dump t:end
dump dump 0- dump O:end dump . dump 0: dump l.end dump 1- dump o. dump t.end du"p t- dump I-end dump O.end dump 1: dump t-end
The following produces three full dumps:
dump 1 t
dump - 7. When running with a discontiguous saved segment (DCSSt, you can
dump storaqe locations outside the range of your virtual machine
size if they are within the ness. If there exist locations between
the upper limit of your virtual machine and the address at which
the Dess was saved, an attempt to dump those locations (or
associated keys) results in a "nonaddressable storage" message
appearinq in the printer output.
As the dump proqresses,
terminal, indicatinq that
boundary: DUMPING LOC hexloc
the following
the dump is
message is displayed at
continuing from the next
the 6LJk where hexloc is the segment (64K) boundary address for the dump
continuation, such as 020000, 030000, or 040000. If you press the attention key,
while the message is beinq
terminated. COMMAND COMPLETE or its equivalent, on the terminal
displayed, the dump function is
is the response indicating normal completion of the dump function. P2 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
ECHO Use the E:HO command to place the terminal in the echo environment. When in the echo environment, any input line entered is transmitted to the terminal a specified number of times. The format
of the ECHO command is:
r ,
ECho Innl i 1 i
1 I I I I L ____________ . , nn is the number of times that the line is to be sent. The is 1. An invalid entry (that is, one that is greater
than 99 or contains nonnumeric characters) is treated as 1. 1 1. When the specified number of lines has been displayed, another read
to the terminal is issued to accept another data line.
2. To terminate the display before completion (for example, when you want to =hange the data line), press the attention key.
3. No line editinq is done; the output line is the same as the input
line and may contain any of the logical line editing symbols. ECHO ENTERED; TO TEFMINATE TEST, TYPE END
is displayed after the ECHO command is invoked to indicate that the
echo environment has been entered.
is displayed to prompt for an input line to be entered. A reply of END returns the terminal to the CP command environment.
section 5. Format of CP Commands 83
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