DISPLAY Use the DISPLAY command to display the following virtual machine
components at your terminal: virtual storaqe locations (second-level storage only; see "Usage Notes") Storaqe keys General reqisters Flo3.tinq-point reqisters cont rol registers Proqram status word (PSi) Channel address word (CAW) Channel status word (CSW) Use the NETWORK DISPLAY command to display the content of
3704/3705 storacre.
The format of the DISPLAY command is:
hex 1
Lhex 1 'T'hexloc1 r , , hexloc1, , T<hexloc1 I I Lhexloc1 , , Thexloc1 I L J
-} I hexloc2
: L
, I I .J
r ,
{.} ,bytecount I I L .J r , ,
Greq1 I {-}lre
I Yreq1 I : I I Xreq1 , L .J I , r , I I {.1 ,reqcount I I , I END I I L L .J .J psw CB.W CSW ___ J
is the first, or only, hexadecimal storage location that is to
be 1isplayed at the terminal. If L or no letter prefix is
specified, the storage contents are displayed in hexadecimal.
If T is specified, the storage contents are displayed in
hexadecimal, with EBCDIC translation. If K is specified, the
storage keys are displayed in hexadecimal.
If hexloc1 is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded down
to the next lower fullword. 7U CP Command Reference for General Users
-}h exloc2
: DISPLAY If L, T, or K is entered either without any operands, or followed immediately by a the contents of all storage or all the storage keys are displayed. The address, haxloc1, may be one to six hexadecimal digits; leading zeros
are optional.
is the last of the range of hexadecimal storage locations whose contents are to be displayed at the terminal. Either a
- or a: must be specified to display the contents of more
than one location by storage address. If -or : is the first
character of the operand, then hexloc1 defaults to zero. If
hexloc2 is not specified; the contents of all storage locations from hexloc1 to the end of virtual storage are
displayed. If specified, hexloc2 must· be equal to or greater
than hexloc1 and within the virtual storage size (see "Usage Notes" below for a discussion on discontiguous saved
seqments.) The address, hexloc2, may be from one to six
hexadecimal diqits; leading zeros are optionale } bytec·ou n t ];]Q Greq 1 Yreq1 Xreq1
is a hexadecimal integer designating the number of bytes of storaqe (starting with the byte at hexloc1) to be displayed at
the terminal. The period (.l must be specified to display the
contents of more than one storage location by bytecount. The
sum hexloc1 and bytecount must be an address that does not the virtual machine size (see "Usage Notes" below for a on discontiguous saved If this address
is not on a fullword boundary, it is rounded up to the next
hiqher fullword. The value, bytecount, must have a value of
at least one and may be from one to six hexadecimal digits;
leadinq zeros are optional. is a decimal number from 0 to 15 or a hexadecimal integer from
o to F representing the first, or only, general register whose are to be displayed at the terminal. If G is
specified without a register number, the contents of all the
qeneral reqisters are displayed at the terminal.
is an inteqer (0, 2, 4, or 6) representing the first, or only, register whose contents are to be displayed at
the terminal. If Y is specified without a register number,
the contents of all of the floatinq-point registers are
displayed at the terminal. is a decimal number from 0 to 15 or a hexadecimal number from
o to F representing the first, or only, control register whose
contents are to be displayed at the terminal. If X is
specified without a register number, the contents of all of the. control registers. are .displayed at the terminal. If Xreq1 is specified for a virtual machine without extended mode
operations available, only control reqister 0 is displayed.
section 5. Format of CP Commands 15
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