CP Command Reference for General Users (Rel 6 PLC 17 Apr81)
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NOTREADY Use the NJTREADY command to cause a pad changed from ready to not ready command is: r I NOTRea:1 y vaddr L __ _ virtual device to appear as if it status. The format of the NOTREADY . ___ J vaddr is the virtual device address (cuu) of the unit to be removed from ready status. 1. This is for use with spooled unit record devices and virtlal consoles only. 2. Any operation to the specified device, in progress at the time the is issued, is completed. On the next Start IIO (SID) instruction, the not ready condition is in effect. None. 104 IBM VM/370 CP Command Feference for General Users
ORDER Use the ORDER command to spool files in a specific order by device type. The format of the ORDER command is: r , , , , ORDer I {Reader } I T?rinter I PUnch { CLass c1 CLass C2 ••• } 1 spoolid1 spoolid2 ••• ,1A L combination of CLASS and spoolid specifications may be entered. J READER RDR PRINTER PRT PUNCH PCB specifies that the reader spool files are to be placed in order. specifies that the printer spool files are to be placed in order. specifies that the punch spool files are to be placed in order. c1 CLASS c2 ••• are the class(es) to be rearranged and the sequence in which they are to be processed. CLASS is a required reserved word and c1, c2,... are one-character alphameric fields (with values from A to Z and from 0 to 9) that represent spooling classes. spoolid1 spoolid2 ••• are the spool ids of the files to be rearranged and the sequence in which they are to be processed. 1. You may order only your own files. 2. Use the QUERY command to determine spool file attributes such as class and spoolid for files you want to rearrange. 3. A combination of class and spoolid specifications can be used to rearcanqe files. For example: order printer class A 1963 class C specifies that printer files are queued in the following all class A files, the file with spoolid 1963, all class: files, by any other printer spool files not specified in the ORDER command line. section 5. Format of CP Commands 105