CP Command Reference for General Users (Rel 6 PLC 17 Apr81)
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I Command I Code Usage 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IASM3705 I I ASPIGEND I ICMSGEND I I ICMSXGEN I ICPEREP I I DIRECT I 1 DOSGEN I IDUMPSCAN I IGEN3705 I 1 IGENERATE LKED NCPDUMP PRB PROB SAVENCP SETKEY STAT I I VKFBLD I I VI1FDUHP I I IVMFLOAD I I VSAMGEN I IZAP I SYSGEN SYSGEN SYSGEN SYSGEN EREP SYSGEN SYSGEN IPCS SYSGEN SYSGEN SYSGEN OP Gd, SPG IPCS IPCS I Assemtle 370x source code. Regenerate the VM/370 assembler command modules. Generate a new CMS disk-resident module from updated TEXT files. Generate the CMSSEG discontiguous saved segment. Formats and edits system error records for output. Set up VM/370 directory entries. Load and save the CMSDOS shared segment. I Provide interact ive analysis of CP abend dumps. I IGenerate an EXEC file that assembles and link-edits I the 370x control program. I IUpdate VPI/370 or the Yft/310 directory, or generate I a new standalone copy of a service program. I Link-edit the 310x control program. Process CP spool reader files created by 310x dumping operations. Update IPCS problem status. Enter a problem report in IPCS. SYSGEN, Read 310x control program load into virtual SPG storage anc save an image on a CP-owned disk. SPG IPCS SYSGEN Op Gd, IPCS SYSGEN SYSGEN Op Gd, SPG Assign storage protect keys to storage assigned to named systems. Display the status of reported system problems. , ,Gen erate and/or update VK/310 using the PLC tape. I IFormat and print system abend dumps; under IPCS, I create a problem report. , IGenerate a new CP, CftS or RSCS module. I ILoad and save the CMSYSA! and C!SAKS segments. , IModify or dump LOADLIB, TITLlB, or MODULE files. I L- ____________________________________________________________________________ Figure 12. CMS Commands for System programmers 182 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
Figure 13 contains an alphabetical list of the RSCS commands with a brief statement about the use of each command. RSCS commands are described in the VH/370 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem User's Com.and Name BACKSPAC CHANGE CKD DEFINE DELETE DIseONN DRAIN FLUSH FWDSPACE HOLD MSG ORDER PURGE QUERY START TRACE Function Restart or reposition, in a backward direction, the file currently being transmitted. Alters one or more attributes of a file owned by Rses. control certain functions performed by a remote system, or control the logqing of 1/0 activity on a specified link: Temporarily add a new link definition to the Rses link table or temporarily redefine an existing link. Temporarily delete a link definition from the Rses link table. Place Rses in disconnect mode and optionally direct output to another virtual machine. Deactivate an active communication link. Discontinue processing the current file on the specified link. Resume transmission on a communication link previously in HOLD status. Reposition, in a forward direction, the file currently being transmitted. Suspend file transmission on an active link without deactivating the line. Send a message to a local or remote station. Reorder files enqueued on a specific link. Remove all or specified files from a link. Request system information for a link, a file, or for the system in general. Activate a specified communication link. Monitor line activity on a specified link. Figure 13. Rses Command Summary Appendix: YM/310 Command Summary 183