1403 operand 60 1443 operand 60 2501 operand 60 2540P operand 60 2540R operand 60 3203 operand 60 3211 operand 60 3262 operand (5148-XX8)' 60 3262 operand (5148-XE1) 60 3289E operand (5148-XX8) 60 3289E operand (5148-XE1) 60 3505 operand 60 3525 operand 60 3800 operand 60 DEFINE command (CP) temporary disks 14
use with MSS devices 60 virtual addresses 60 defining
fixed-block mode devices
for the virtual machine (5148-XX8) 60 for the virtual machine (5748-XE1) 60 virtual devices 60 delimiters, in command lines 3
DETACH command (CP) described 66
summary 173
vaddr operand 66 DFl'ACH CHANNEL co.mand (CP) channel c operand 69
descr ibed 69
DETACH command (CP), temporary disks 14
dedicated channels 69
virtual devices 66 DEV operand, of TAG command (CP) 154
device-end interrupt pending for a virtual
device, specifying 125
linking to 91
simulating not ready status for 104 DIAL
command (CP) described 10 summary 113
userid operand 10 vaddr operand 10 DIAL command (CP), device restriction 70 directory entry, controlling, virtual
machine attributes 12 DISABLE, command (CP), summary 113 DISCONN comlland (CP) described 72 'HOLD operand 12
summary 173
disconnect ing
virtual console 12
virtual machine 97 DISPLAY command (CP) CAW operand 74 CSi operand 74
described 74 PSi operand 74
summary 173 DISPLAY command (CP), byte alignment 29
accounting information 129
Channel Address Word (CAW) 74
Channel status Word (CSW) 74 extended control registers 74
floating-point registers 74
general registers 74 Program status Word (PSW) 74
storage keys 74
virtual storage 27
virtual storage locations 74 DI ST oper and
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
distribution code; for an output file 49 DMCP, command (CP), summary 173
DRAIN, cOllmand (CP), summary 173
dsname operand, of CLOSE command (CP) 53 DSS operand, VMDUMP com.and 169 DUMP com.and (CP) described 80 summary 173
E ECHO command (CP) described 83
nn operand 83
summary 173 ECMODE operand, of SET command (CP) 129
editing symbols
controlling 157
logical, controlling use of 129 EMSG operand, of SET command (CP) 129
ENABLE, command (CP), sUllmary 173
END operand, of TRACE command (CP) 161
a CP command from the virtual machine
environllent 59 CP commands 3 EOF operand, of SPOOL co.mand (CP) 141
error message "handling, controlling 129 ESCAPE operand, of TERMINAL command (CP) 157
halting at an instruction address 45
of a virtual machine, resuming 48
extended control mode, setting 129
extended control registers
changing your virtual machine 150 displaying 74
printing 80 EXTERNAL command (CP) code operand 84
described 84
summary 173
external interrupt, simulated 84 EXTERNAL operand, of TRACE command (CP) 161 i88 IBM VM/3l0 CP Command Reference for General Users
FB-512 device information
obtained with QUERY command (5748-IX8) 116
obtained with QUERY command l2148-XE1) 116
FB-512 devices
tracing CCW information. (5748-XX8) 163
tracing CCW information (5748-XE1) 163 FCB operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of LOADVFCB command (CP) 95
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
FILE operand, of TAG command (CP) 154
changing the spool class of 49
changing the spoolid for 49 closing 53
distribution code for 49
holding before output processing 49
holding from further processing 53,141
holding via CLOSE 141
purging 53,141
purging via SPOOL 141
reclaiminq 166
reordering closed spool 'files 105 spool, changing filename for 49
terminating processing of 53
transferring to another user 141
transmitting to a virtual reader 166
FILES operand, of QUERY command (CP) 110 first-level storage, requesting via DISPLAY command (CP) 76 FLASH operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
floating-point registers
changing your virtual machine 150 . displaying 74
printing 80 FLUSH, command (CP), summary 173
fnft operand, of CLOSE command (CP) 53 FOR operand, of SPOOL command (CP) 141 FORCE, command (CP), summary 173 FORMAT vmtype operand, VMDUMP command 169
forms controls for a virtual pr inter,
specifying 95
FREE, command (CP), summary 173 FROM operand, of TRANSFER command (CP) 166
general registers
changing in your virtual machine 150 displaying 74
printing 80 . general user, described 8
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 of QUERY command (CP) 110 HALT, command (CP), summary 173
halting, execution at an instruction
address 45
handshaking, control of VM/VS 129
hexloc operand . of ADSTOP command (CP) 45
of BEGIN command (CP) 48
hexloc1 operand, VMDUMP co.mand 169
hexloc2 operand,' VMDUMP coamand 169
hiding your password 99
highlighting 3270 terminal display 160. 3270 terminal display (5748-XE1) 160.1 HILIGHT operand
of TERMINAL command .(CP) (5748-XX8) 157
of TERMINAL command (CP) (5748-XE!) 157 HOLD, command (CP), summary 173 HOLD operand
of CHANGE command (CPl 49 of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of DISCONN command (CP) 72 of LOGOFF command (CP) 97
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
a file before output processing 49
files by user hold status 141
files from further processing 53,141
I IMSG operand, of SET cOllmand (CP) 129 INDEX operand, for LOADVFCB coamand (CP) 95 INDICATE command (CP) attached processor load indication
described 85 LOAD operand 85
summary 173 USER operand 85
initial program load (IPt) automatic, suppression of 99
of a virtual machine operating system 88 .
stopping 88
input/output operations, tracing 161 INSTRUCT operand, of TRlCE co •• and (CP)
internal print file duplication, by 3800 printer 49
interpreting, Figure 4 8
interrupt codes X'1004', clock comparator 24 X' 1005
CPU timer 24 interruptions, simulating 24' interrupts
clearing from a virtual machine 127
device-end, specifyingyirtual 125
external,sillulating 84 . for a virtual aachine 126
range of external codes 84 .tracing 161 I/O devices, virtual, defining for your
virtual machine 60 1/0 o·perancf, of TRACE cOllmand (CP) 161
command (CP) CLEAR operand 88
described 88
Index 189
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