STORE Decimal !gg£g§.§ 216 224 256
352 384 448 Hexadecimal Add£g§§ __ _ 08 EO 100 160 180 1CO Lengt h 1:1LMig§ 8
64 64 CPU Timer
Clock Com para tor
Current PSW Floating-point registers 0-6 General registers 0-15 Control registers 0-15 1. First level storage is real main storage. Jnly second-level storage (storage that is real to the virtual machine) can be stored
into. systems running in a virtual machine such as and OS/VS have virtual (third level) storage of their own.
This third-level storage cannot be stored into directly. The user
or the virtual operating system is responsible for converting any storage locations to second-level storage locations.
2. The may be combined in any order desired, separated by one
or blanks, for up to one full line of input. If an invalid operand is encountered, an error message is issued and the store
function is terminated. However, all valid operands entered,
before the invalid one, are processed properly.
3. If combine the operands for storing into storage, registers,
the PSW, or the status area on a single command line, all operands
must be specified; default values do not apply in this case.
If the STORE command is used by your virtual machine to alter the of a shared seqment, you receive a warning message and
your virtual machine is unshared from (qiven a private copy of) the system. Other users of the segment continue to operate with
an unchanged copy of that segment.
with the STORE command, data is stored
with fullword boundary alignment or in
either in units of one word
units of one byte without
6. The STORE STATUS command stores data in the extended logout area.
The STORE STATUS command stores CPU Timer and Clock Comparator values that may then be displayed at the terminal via the command. The procedure is the only way to get timer information at
the terminal usinq CP commands. STORE COMPLETE is the response at the successful completion of the command. IBM VM/310 CP Command Reference for General Users
SYSTEM ITse the SYSTEM command to simulate the action of the RESET and RESTART buttons on the real computer console, and to clear storaqe. The format
of the SYSTEM command is:
r----------- L SYStem I , I {
CLEAR } RESTART I I I J CLEAR virtual storage and virtual storage keys to binary zerDS. RESET clears all pendinq interrupts and conditions in the virtual
machine. RESTARr simulates the hardware system RESTART function by storing the
current PSi at virtual location eiqht and loading, as the new PSi, the douhleword from virtual location zero. Interrupt coniitions and storage remain unaffected. 1. The function and the CLEAR function leave the virtual machine
in disabled wait state. Both CLEAR and RESET clear pending
interrupts. Both functions load a PSi that is all zeroes except
for the wait bit which is set on.
2. After issuinq the SYSTEM command with RESET or CLEAR specified,
either STORE a PSi and issue BEGIN or issue BEGIN with a storage location specified, to resume operation. The virtual machine automatically restarts at the location specified in
the new PSi (which is loaded from the doubleword at location zero)
after the SYSTEM RESTART command is processed. STORAGE CLEARED - SYSTEM BESET is the response given if the command SYSrEM CLEAR is entered. SYSTEM RESET is the response qiven if the command SYSTEM RESET is entered.
If the c3mmand SYSTEM RESTART is entered, no response is given; the
virtual machine resumes execution at the address in the virtual PSi loaded frDm virtual storage location zero. Section 5. Format of CP Commands 153
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