SPOOL direct files to remote stations, use the CP TAG and SPOOL commands in with a command that causes the file to be closed and sent to
a virtual device (for example, a virtual printer or punch). Use the TAG
command specify the device to be spooled and to associate with that
device the location identifier (locid) for the destination of the file:
tag dev device locid
where device is the virtual device type (for example, PRINTER or PUNCH) or virtual device address (vaddr) and locid is the name of the to which the file is to be transmitted. Use the SPOOL command to specify that output to the device specified
in the command is to be sent to the RSCS virtual machine, which performs
the actual transmission of the file:
soool device to userid
where 1evice is the same virtual device type or virtual device address
specified in the TAG command and userid is the userid of the RSCS virtual michine at your installation. You can find out the userid of
your installation's RSCS virtual machine and the locid for the various
remote stations from your installations's system programmer.
After you issue the TAG and SPOOL commands, use a command (such as
the CMS PRINT or PUNCH command or the CP CLOSE command) to cause the
spool file to be generated, closed, and spooled to the specified virtual
device. Once y)U have closed a spool file that is spooled to another user,
you cannot change or query the spool file tag. If the file has not been
selected for processing by the RSCS virtual machine, you can use the command to get the file back to your virtual reader. When changes are necessary, you can issue the TAG QUERY DEVor FILE command
to determine the TAG information associated with a given virtual device
or file. You can then use the FILE operand of the TAG command to
chanqe a tag that was previously set.
The example shows how to use these three commands to
transmit a CMS file to a remote location:
taq 1ev punch cambridg
spool punch to net
punch myproq assemble
The TAG command defines the type of file to be transmitted, a punch
file, and the remote station to which you want it transmitted, CAMBRIDG. NET is the userid of the virtual machine controlling the RSCS network:
you direct y)ur file to that virtual machine with the SPOOL command.
The PUNCH causes the file MYPROG ASSEMBLE to be punched on your
virtual michine card punch, closed, and then spooled to the virtual
reader of the RSCS virtual machine, which you specified in the SPOOL command. The RSCS virtual machine then processes your file (now a VM/370 SP)ol file) and 'transmits it across the RSCS network.
SPOOL If your virtual machine is logged on VM/370, RSCS notifies you of the
arrival of a file for your machine from the RSCS network by displaying a
messaqe at your terminal. The file is sent to your virtual card reader. VM/370 can accumulate files from the FSCS network destined for your
virtual card reader, regardless of whether you are logged on your
virtual machine or not. If you are logged on your virtual machine,
issue the QUERY command to see if you have any files in your virtual reader. When you log on your virtual machine, the logon process
transmits a message informing you of accumulated spool files residing in
your virtJal reader (punch or printer) If the SPOOL is used to close an output device, the message {
'DUN FILE spoolid {TO '} userid COpy nn {HOLD ,} CON FOR NOROLD is received if (1) multiple copies of the file are being processed, (2) the file is being transferred to another user, or (3) the file is placed
in a user hold status. However, if SET MSG OFF is in effect, this
message is not issued, even though the above conditions are met.
Section 5. Format of CP Commands 149
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