LOGOFF VIRT:PU= mmm:ss.hs
the virtual CPU time used in the current terminal session in
minutes:seconds.hundredths of seconds. TOTCOU= the total :o.U time (including virtual and overhead) used in
the terminal session in minutes:seconds.hundredths of seconis. These times are either the elapsed time for the entire terminal
session the elapsed time since the ACNT command was entered for
this user. LOGOFF hh:mm:ss zone weekday mm/dd/yy
is the response for a logoff. radlr} LINE radlr LOGOFF AS userid USERS DEV ria nnn LS the normal response to the primary system operator. DEV rid
specifies the resource identification of a 3104/3705 line.
GRAF raddr} LINE radlr LOGOFF AS userid USERS DEV rid nnn FORCED is the response to the primary system operator if the forced by a line timeout or a terminal power-off.
specifies the resource identification of a 3104/3705 line. aSER DSC LOGOFF AS userid USERS = nnn
logoff is DEV rid is the response for a user who to the primary system operator when logoff occurs
had previously disconnected using the DISCONN =8 command Reterence for General Users
LOGON Use the command to identify yourself to the system and to
access that system. The format of the LOGON command is:
r ,Loqon userid [ password
] [ Mask] [ Noip1] I Loqin
1 1
1 Refer
to "Note" under description of password operand.
___ 1 user id is the identifier assigned to you in the VM/370 system. is vour password. Specify this field if no protection (that
is, masking characters) is desired. MASK NOIPL NQig: If your installation is using the password suppression fa=i1ity, an INVALID FORMAT message is issued when a user
attempts to enter the system LOGON password on the command
line. The user must wait for the ENTER PASSWORD response
before typinq in the password. This facility improves system
security because the password is automatically masked.
types masking characters to cover your password on typewriter
terminals without the print inhibit feature. The mask types on
the line following a prompting message from VM/370 requesting
you to enter your password. Should you forget to ask for
masking when you type LOGON, you can press the carriage return after the prompt for the password types, and VM/370 then types
out the maskinq characters. that the IPL device or name in the VM/370 directory shou11 not be used for an automatic IPt. 1. Upon successful 10qon, VM/370 creates a virtual machine
configuration from information in the VM/370 directory. The LOGON command name may not be entered using any line-editing symbols, but
the may use these symbols. See the for a detailed description of 10qon procedures. 2. If YJU ase LOGON because a teleprocessing line or error you from your virtual machine, you have 15 minutes to loq on again. If you do not log on within 15 minutes, your virtual machine automatically logs off. In this case, you may have to reconstruct files and restart jobs interrupted by the
teleprocessing line or terminal error.
3. If vou previously issued the DISCONN command to run your virtual without a console and then issue the LOGON command to reconne=t your console, certain SET and TERMINAL command operands are forced off even if they were on prior to issuing the DISCONN Section 5. Format of CP Commands 99
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