DETACH Use the command to remove a virtual device from the virtual
machine. The format of the DETACH command is:
[Vaddr fvaddr ••• ll}
rvaddr-vaddr ]
------,I I J
vaddr[vaidr ••• ]
the term vaddr is the virtual address(CUU) of the device to
be detached from your virtual machine. To detach multiple
devices on one command line, a blank must be inserted between
the addresses specified. To detach a range of devices, a
hyphen (-) must be inserted between the addresses specified.Multiole addresses and a range of addresses cannot be
intermixed on the same command line.
1.=an detach a previously attached device even if the device is currently in use. You can also detach devices that were attached
becaJse ofVM/310 directory entries or during :P system
2.When you detach a virtual device, it becomes inaccessible to your
virtual machine. If the devicewas previously attached to your
virtual machinebV an ATTACH command, it is released and becomes
available for attachment to your virtual machine, another user, or
the CP system. Tape devices are automatically rewound and unloaded
when detached.
3. If detach a device that was previously attached to your virtual
machinebv the operator, a message is sent to the operator informing him that the device is free. 4. If the device being detached is a dedicated 2305, the virtual
address vou specify must be a base address(xxO or xx8). s. If a detach operation is taking place for a 2305 device and a range
is being used, processinq for all2305 exposures is performed when
the base address is encountered. It is possible that the rangeoperand may not include all the 2305 exposures. This is not an
error all exposures are detached. When multiple real devi=e addresses are specified on the command line, only the base
addressfor the 2305 should be used. Anv device address other than
the base exposure is considered an error condition.66 CP Command Reference for General Users
machine. The format of the DETACH command is:
rvaddr-vaddr ]
the term vaddr is the virtual address
be detached from your virtual machine. To detach multiple
devices on one command line, a blank must be inserted between
the addresses specified. To detach a range of devices, a
hyphen (-) must be inserted between the addresses specified.
intermixed on the same command line.
becaJse of
virtual machine. If the device
virtual machine
available for attachment to your virtual machine, another user, or
the CP system. Tape devices are automatically rewound and unloaded
when detached.
3. If
address vou specify must be a base address
is being used, processinq for all
the base address is encountered. It is possible that the range
the base exposure is considered an error condition.