SPOOL is entered, the copy 3 specified in the first statement
affects subsequent punch files. TO SYSTEM is equivalent to specifying OFF and resets the
transferred spool option. FOR {
SY;TEM OFF indicates the userid under which printed or punched output is
produced. The userid becomes the owner of the output spool
file and the distcode on the file is the distcode for the user
that is specified in the VM/370 directory. The file is not transferred to the user's reader input. The default setting is
for vour own virtual machine identification. FOR *, or FOR can be coded to specify your own identification and is
equivalent to the OFF option.
resets the transferred spool option. COPY[*lnn is the number of copies from 1 to 99 of each output file to be produced. When the optional asterisk (*) appears, the 3800 performs the duplication internallv, provided the spool file
contains sufficient information to be spooled to the 3800 printer. If there is insufficient information, the asterisk
is iqnored and printing occurs normally on the printer
assigned in the spool file class. CLOSE closes the specified device regardless of the CaNT setting the device. If CLOSE is specified, PURGE may not be specified. CLOSE does not affect the setting of any other operand and is proviied as a convenience to close a virtual output device. As example, this sequence of commands: SPOOL PRT CONT (print file)
(print file)
(print file) SPOOL NOCONT CLOSE PRT SPOOL PRT CONT (print file)
(print file)
can be replaced with the following sequence to achieve the
desired result: SPOOL PRT CO NT
(print file)
(print file)
(print file) SPOOL PRT CLOSE (print file)
(print file)
144 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
PURGE SPOOL closes and purges the spool file from the specified virtual
output device regardless of the CONT setting for the device.
If PURGE is specified, CLOSE cannot be specified. PURGE does
not affect the setting of any other operand and is equivalent
to issuing the CLOSE command for a device (or type of device)
with the PURGE operand. FLASH name nn
siqnifies that a forms overlay contained in
is to be superimposed onto certain pages of
name, one to four characters, identifies the
be used in the projection. The number (nn)
from a to 99. The number (nn) specifies the
of output to be superimposed. The default,
superimposing is desired.
the 3800 printer
the output. The
forms overlay to
can be anything
number of copies 0, indicates no MODIFY na!l\e CHARS name a copy modification module to be used when printing a file on the 3800. This function makes it possible to alter
text bV either preventing printinq of certain information or
adding labels to output. The name must be one to four
characters. If the name is omitted, the file prints normally
without modification. spe=ifies the name of the character arrangement table used
when printing a file. The name must be from one to four chara=ters; it determines which writable character generation
modules (WCGMs) are used for printing on the 3800. FCB name controls the vertical spacing of output on a page. The name
must be from one to four characters. START STOP TERM NOTERM pla=es all console input and output in a spool file. Until a CLOSE is issued for the console, characteristics of the
console spool file may be changed by use of the SPOOL CONSOLE command. After the console is closed, the file becomes a printer spool file characteristics can be changed by
issuinq the :HANGE PRINTER command.
terminates the spooling of console
command SPOOL CONSOLE STOP does not file.
input and output. The
close the console spool displays the virtual console input and output at the terminal
in addition to placing it in a spool file. The operand
has no effect until the START operand is specified.
suppresses the display of console input and output of a system
runninq in a virtual machine. The display of console input
and output is not suppressed if: it is the result of CP commands entered from CP mode. it is a message or a warninq it is the result of Commands entered on a 3270 in :MS EDIT
mode. it is the result of a CP command entered by means of the #CP comman d. the output line immediately precedes a virtual machine read
to the console. (This output line prints twice in the
spooled console file.) Section 5. Format of CP Commands 145
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