TRACE The symbols are used in the responses received from TRACE: vvvvvv tttttt
xxxxxxxxyyyyyyyy ss ns zz
Vvajd R rajd mnem
CC n
==>SEEK TRACE STARTED !1gg!li!lg virtual storage address
virtual transfer address or newPSW address
real storage address
virtual instruction, channel command word,:SW status
real instruction,CCW arqument byte (SSM-byte) for SSM instruction
new system mask after execution ofSTJSM/STNSM low order byte of R1 register in an execute instruction
(not shown if R1 register is reqister0) referenced data
virtual device name(DASD, TAPE, LINE, CONS, RDR, PFT, PUN, GRAF, DEV)
virtual device address
real device address
mnemonic for instruction
interruption type(SVC, PROG, EXT, I/O)
interruption code number (in hexadecimal)
condition-code number (0, 1, 2, or 3)
Indirect data address list
virtual machine interrupt
privileged operations
transfer of control
read/write position onDASD device
This response is issued when tracing is initiated.TRACE ENDED
This response is issued when tracing is suspended.riO vvvvvv TCP xxxxxxxx type vadd CC n I/O vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxx type vadd CC n t1pe radd CSW xxxx liD vvvvvv mnem xxxxxxxx type vadd CC n type radd CSW xxxx CAW vvvvvvvv CCW vvvvvv xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx rrrrrr YYYYY11Y Y1YYYYY1 CCW IDAL vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv IDAL OOrrrrrr OOrrrrrr CCW SEEK xxxxxxxx xxxxxx SEEK 1Y1YYYY1 11YY The IDAL SEEK line is included only if applicable. The virtual IDAL
is notprinted if the real CCW operation code does not match the real
164 IBM CP Command Reference for General Users
CC n
virtual transfer address or new
real storage address
virtual instruction, channel command word,
real instruction,
new system mask after execution of
(not shown if R1 register is reqister
virtual device name
virtual device address
real device address
mnemonic for instruction
interruption type
interruption code number (in hexadecimal)
condition-code number (0, 1, 2, or 3)
Indirect data address list
virtual machine interrupt
privileged operations
transfer of control
read/write position on
This response is issued when tracing is initiated.
This response is issued when tracing is suspended.
is not
164 IBM