CP} VM controls the terminal attention environment. CP specifies that
one or more attentions force the virtual machine into theCP environment. VM specifies that one attention is reflected to your virtual machine and that more than one attention forces your virtual machine into the CP environment. VK is the for all VM/370 users except the primary system
operator. For more information on this, see "Controlling the
virtualMachine" in section 3. LINESIZE nnn
specifies the maximum allowable line length for terminal
outout. nnn can be a number from 1 through If ON is specified, CP does not separate output
lines intoLINESIZE segments. Instead, an output length of 1760 is allowed and CP assumes that the APL system has
inserted the appropriate carriage control characters.
1. The terminalsettings you specify with the TERMINAL command are in
effectonly for the duration of that terminal session. Whenever you initially loq on, the system defaults are in effect. However, the
settingsyou specify for line-editing except LINEDEL and KODE are
still in effect when you log on after disconnecting. All the otheroperinds (MASK, TEXT, APL, ATTN, and LINESIZE) are reset if you log
on after disconnecting.
2. you can define line-editing symbols and status with the TERMINAL command, the LINEDIT operand of the SET command determines whether the VM/370 line-editing functions are on or off.
3. If an error occurs during processing of the command, all functions
preceding the one with the error are in effect.4. You cannot use any of the letters A through Z, or the numbers 0 throuqh 9, as a symbol (char) in association with any of the
CHARDEL, LINEDEL, LINEND, andESCAPE operands. 1-!one. 160 IBM VM/310 CP Command Reference for General Users
one or more attentions force the virtual machine into the
operator. For more information on this, see "Controlling the
specifies the maximum allowable line length for terminal
outout. nnn can be a number from 1 through
lines into
inserted the appropriate carriage control characters.
1. The terminal
still in effect when you log on after disconnecting. All the other
on after disconnecting.
3. If an error occurs during processing of the command, all functions
preceding the one with the error are in effect.