r-----------------.--------------------------------------------------------- I Command I , MODMAP I IMOVEFILE I I I OPTION I I IPLIC I I I PLICR I I , PLIOPT I I I PRINT I IPSERV t , I I , PUNCH I I QUERY I ,READCARD f
RELEASERENAME RSERV RUN SCRIPT SET ,Code as PP as PP as PP , I I t , I I I I I , , I I I , ,SCRIPT I I , I usage
Display the load map of aMODULE file.
Move data from one device to another device of the
same or a different type.
Change theDOS COBOL compiler (FCOBOL) options that
are in effect for the current terminal session.
Compile and executePL/I source code using the PL/I Checkout Compiler.
Execute thePl/I object code generated by the OS PL/I Checkout Compiler. Compile PL/I source code using the OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler. Spool a specified CMS file to the virtual printer. ICoPY a procedure from the DOS/VS procedure library I onto a CMS disk, display the procedure at the , terminal, or spool the procedure to the virtual I punch or printer. , ,Spool a copy of a CMS file to the virtual punch. I IRequest information about a CMS virtual machine. , I Read data from spooled card input device. , IMake a disk and its directory inaccessible to a eMS I virtual machine. I ,Change the name of a CMS file or files. , ICoPY a DOS/VS relocatable module onto a CMS disk, I display it at the terminal, or spool a copy to , the virtual punch or printer. , ,Initiate series of functions to be performed on a I source, MODULE, TEXT, or EXEC file. t IFormat and print documents according to embedded , SCRIPT control words in the document file. I IEstablish, set, or reset CMS virtual machine I characteristics. Figure 11. CMS Command Summary (Part 3 of 4) IBM i3/370 Re£eLence for Users
Display the load map of a
Move data from one device to another device of the
same or a different type.
Change the
are in effect for the current terminal session.
Compile and execute
Execute the