When you to stop console spooling, enter the command:
spool console stop
This stOP3 any further spooling of console data but does not close the
console soool files. For that, you must enter the command:
close console
The converse is also true--closing the console spool file does not
automatically stop console spoolinq. REORDERIN3 AND PURGING SPOOL FILES If you want to change the sequence of your closed spool files, issue the ORDER to place your files in a specific order by device type.
Files can be reseguenced by spoolid or class, or both when using the ORDER command. For example: order printer 2468 1357 class c
resequences vour closed printer spool files as follows:
file 2468 file 1357
all =lass C files (in their oriqinal sequence)
other files in original sequence
To remove any of your closed spool files from the system use the PURGE =ommanl. Files can be specified individually by spoolid or by
class, or both. For example: purge 1234 class b
removes file 1234 and all class B files from the system. purge punch all
removes all punch files. purqe all
removes all files from all devices. The CHANGE, ORDER, and PURGE commands can be used only on closed
spool files that belong to you and have not yet been selected for DEDICATED DEVICES
If a devi=e's use is restricted to a single virtual ma=hine, that device
is a dedicated device. Some devices, such as disks and unit record in dedicated mode at one time and in shared or
nondedicated mode at other times. Devices such as magnetic tape drives
can only be used as dedicated devices. 20 CP Command Reference for General Users
The directory proqram can dedicate a device via a DEDI:ATE control
statement in the VM/370 directory entry for a virtual machine at system
generation or a device can be dedicated aynamically via the system operator's command.
If the directory entry for your virtual machine includes a statement
such as: DEDICATE 495 295
the device at real address of 295 is made available to your virtual
machine is virtual address 495 when you log on to the system. It remains to your virtual machine until you either log off or
release the device via the DETACH command:
The format of the DEDICATE control statement is described in detail
in "part 2: Definina Your VM/370 System" of the More than one user can have the same real device specified as being dedicated to his virtual machine. However, the first user to loq on qains access to the device and others have to
wait until the current user either logs off or releases the device.
If you are using the DEDICATE statement for a DASD, you can specify a
particular disk volume by its volume serial number rather than by its real device This has the effect of not tying you down to a
particular real device. In the event that a malfunction precludes the
use of the volume on one DASD, the disk pack can be transferred to
another DASD still be accessed by its volume serial number.
If a device that cannot be shared, such as a magnetic tape, is not required for the entire terminal session, it may be more practical to
dedicate it required. Since the ATTACH command is a class B command
and not available to the general user, you can send the system
operator a messaqe: msq operator pIs attach 281 to smith as 181
The operator issues the command:
attach 281 to smith as 181
If the device (assumed command was completed
to be a maqnetic tape) was available and the
successfully, you receive the verification T!PE 181 ATTACHED
When you have no further use for the device, issue the command:
detach 181 You receive the acknowledgment: TAPE 181 DETACHED
and the device is now available to some other user. the device, it remains dedicated to your virtual
you loq off.
If you do not
machine until
Section 3. CP Command Usage 21
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