THE CLASS G C8MMANDS Commands in the general user class enable the user to control the
operationof a virtual machine through using its virtual operator's
consoledevice much as a real machine is controlled through its system
control For example, commands are included in the general user class that
enable the user to perform the followingoperations: load an operating
system (IPL command); start or restart program execution in the virtual
machine (BEGIN command); stop virtual machine execution at a specified
virtual storage address(ADSTOP command); reset and restart the virtual
machine RESET and SYSTEM RESTART commands); store and display
data contained in virtual storage, registers (general, floating-point,
and control), and status words such as thePSW (STORE and DISPLAY commands); iisplay storage keys, the CSW, and the :!W (DISPLAY command); clear virtual storage to zeros (SYSTEM CLEAR command);
simulateexternal interruption for the CPU timer, clock comparator,
or external interruption button on the system console(EXTERNAL command); initiate tracing facilities (TRACE command).
THECLASS ANY COMMANDS The Anv commands comprise those commands that are available, with
the same format and operands, to all user classes. TheLOGON command is used tJ gain initial access to the VM/370 system. This command also identifies you to the system and sets up your virtual machine. The DIAL command allows you to establish a logical connection between your
terminaland a previously logged-on multiple-access virtual machine. If you cannot loq on for some reason, such as a faulty line connection or
someone else usinq your user identification, theMESSAGE command allows
youto communicate with the system operator or any other logged-on user.
12IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
enable the user to perform the following
system (IPL command); start or restart program execution in the virtual
machine (BEGIN command); stop virtual machine execution at a specified
virtual storage address
data contained in virtual storage, registers (general, floating-point,
and control), and status words such as the
or external interruption button on the system console
the same format and operands, to all user classes. The
someone else usinq your user identification, the