DfflPLAY xxxxxx word1 word2 word3 word4 rkeyl *EBCDIC TRANSLATION*
This is the response you receive when you display storage
locations; xxxxxx is the hexadecimal storage location of wordl. Word1 is displayed (word-aliqned) for a single location
specification. Up to four words are displayed on a line, followed, by an EBCDIC translation of those four words. Periods are represented by nonprintable characters. Kultiple lines are used (if required) for a range of locations. If translation to
EBCDIC is requested (Thexloc), alignment is made to the next lower
16-byte boundary; otherwise, alignment is made to the next lower
fullword boundary. If the location is at a 2K page boundary, the
key for that paqe is also displayed.
xxxxxx TO xxxxxx KEY = kk
This is the response you receive when you display storage keys; XXXX[X is a storage location and kk is the associated storage key.
GPR n = qenreql qenreg2 genreg3 qenreg4
This is the response you receive when you display general n is the register whose contents are genreg1. The
contents of the following consecutive registers are genreg2, and so on. The contents of the reqisters are displayed in hexaiecimal. Up to four reqisters per line are displayed for a
ranqe of reqisters. Multiple lines are displayed if required, with
a of four lines needed to display all 16 general reqisters. FPR n = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E xx
This is the response you receive when you display floating-point registers; n is the even-number floating-point register whose contents are displayed on this line. The contents of the requested
floatinq-point reqisters are displayed in both the internal
hexaiecimal format and the E format. One register is displayed per
line. Multiple lines are displayed for a range of registers.
78 IBM VM/37Q CP Command Reference for General Users
ECR n = ctlreq1 ctlreq2 ctlreg3 ctlreq4 PSi This is the response you receive
registers; n 1S the register whose when you display control contents of the following consecutive registers are ctlreg2, ctlreg3, and so on. The contents of the requested control registers are displayed in hexadecimal. Up to four registers per
line are displayed. Multiple lines are displayed if required.
The contents of the PSW are displayed in hexadecimal. CAW = xxxxxxxx
The contents of the CAW (hexadecimal location 48) are displayed in CSW = xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
The contents of the CSW (hexadecimal location 40) are displayed in
Section 5. Format of CP Commands 79
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