THE COMMAND NAME The name is an alphameric symbol of not more than eight =hara=ter3. In qeneral, the names are verbs that describe the function voa want the system to perform. For example, you may want to find out
whether not a certain user is logqed on the VM/310 system. In this
case,you use the CP QUERY command.
THECOMMAND OPERANDS command are keywords and positional operands of no more
than alphameric characters each. The specify the on which the system operates when it performs the command For the QUERY command, for example, you could use the USER or aserid operand to find out whether the user is on the system. Some require no operands; others require several. You can find G and class Any command with all of its operand
requirements in"Section 5: Format of CP Commands" of this publication. You must write the operands in the order in which they appear in the
commandf)rmats in section 5, unless otherwise specified. COMMENTS IN THE CP COMMAND LANGUAGE You can write comments with CP commands of the following types: • Commanis with no operands • Commanis with a fixed number of operands • Commanis with a single optional operand You sh)ulj not write comments with commands that have a variable
number of operands or with commands that have more than one optional
)perand. Ifyou do, the comment could be interpreted as an operand. Yoa enter comments on your console by using the CP * command. CHARACTER SET USAGE VM/310 commands are entered usine a combination of characters from six
different character sets. The contents of each of the character sets is
described in Figure 2.4 CP Command Feference for General Users
requirements in
number of operands or with commands that have more than one optional
)perand. If
different character sets. The contents of each of the character sets is
described in Figure 2.