2 VM/370 CD Commana Feference for General Users
Section 1. The VM/370 Command Languages Each af the VM/370 components has its own command language. The CP =ommand language is described in this publication and in the in virtual Machine. The command language is
described in the and The RSCS command language is described in the The IPCS =ommand language is described in §y§tgm r-his section describes the structuce of the CP, eMS, and
abbreviations andVM/370 command environments, RSCS command languages, and
the general
the commandThere ace two types of VM/370 commands: system commands and user-defined =ommands. The system commands are those defined by the CP, CMS, IPCS, and BSCS command languages. User-defined commands are
those you can create yourself usinq theEXEC command oc the LOAD and GENMOD conmands. The procedure for creating user-defined commands
isdesccibed in the VM/370 CMS User's Guide. User-defined CP commands
areal30 allowed; yonr--Installation's system programmer must
createthem. The procedure for creating user-defined CP commands is
described in the!tlL1IQ 2Yigg. VM/370 Command Environments
Thereare two basic command environments: the control program (CP) command environment and the virtual machine command environment. You are in the control program (CP) command environment when you log
on toVM/370 and issue CP commands. You are in the virtual machine command environment when you load your
virtualffiichine CMS or another operatinq system.
IfYOl are operating under CMS, you can determine which command
environment you are in by enterinq a null line (that is, pressing the
enter key,oc equivalent, with no data). VM/370 responds to a null line
by displavinq the current command environment,CMS or CP. VM/370 CP Command Structure A VM/370 =ommand consists of a command name, usually followed by one or
more positional operands. The general form for theCP command line is: r 1 command. name
[operand••• 1
JYou must use one or more blanks to separate each entry in the command
line unless otherwise indicated.
section 1. TheVM/370 Command Languages 3
described in the
abbreviations and
the general
the command
those you can create yourself usinq the
described in the
on to
environment you are in by enterinq a null line (that is, pressing the
enter key,
by displavinq the current command environment,
more positional operands. The general form for the
line unless otherwise indicated.
section 1. The