1.A line end character in pfdata1 appears as a
carriaqe return in the response to aQUERY PFnn command.
2. In the case ofPFnn COpy or PFnn TAB, the existence of
unnecessary or lack of trailing blanks may negate the function
and force thePF key to be recognized as pfdata. PROCESSOR mm ONLINEf,PROCESSOR nn ONLINE] The first processor displayed is the main processor. The second
processoraisplayed is the attached processor and this part of the only occurs if is runninq in AP mode. VK/370 is
ranninq in uniprocessor mode when the bracketed part of the
response is omitted.
122IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
carriaqe return in the response to a
2. In the case of
unnecessary or lack of trailing blanks may negate the function
and force the
ranninq in uniprocessor mode when the bracketed part of the
response is omitted.