DUMP Use the DaMP command to print the contents of various components of the virtual machine on the virtual spooled printer. The following items are
printed: Virtual program status word (PSW) General registers Floating-point registers Control reqisters (if you have the ECMODE option specified in your VM/370 directory entry) storaqe keys Virtual storage locations storage only; see "Usage Notes") Use the NETWORK DUMP command to dump the contents of 3704/3705 storage. This command is described in the The format of the DUMP command is:
r I DUMP I I I I , I I L
Thexloc1 hexl:::>c1 {
: r , r ILhexlocli {-}Ihexloc2 IThexlocli : I]!Q I hexloc11 L
, I I J L J
r ,
{. 1 I bvtecount I f];]Q I L J C *dumpid]
is the first or only hexadecimal storage location to be
dumoed. If you enter L or T without operands, the contents of
all virtual storage locations are dumped. If L or no letter
prefix is specified, the storage contents are displayed in
hexadecimal. If T is specified, the storage contents are
displayed in hexadecimal, with EBCDIC translation.
The address, hexlocl, may be one to six hexadecimal digits; lea1inq zeros are optional.
If hexloc1 is not on a boundary divisible by 32, it is rounded to the next lower such boundary. is the last hexadecimal storage location whose contents are to
be dumped to the printer. If -or : is the first character of
the operand, then hexlocl defaults to zero. The operand,
hexloc2, must be equal to or greater than hexlocl and within
the virtual storage size. To dump to the end of storage, you 80 VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
DUMP can specify END instead of hexloc2 or you can leave the field
blank, since the default is END. If you specify :END or -END,
the contents of storage from hexloc1 to END are dumped. The
contents of storage locations hexloc1 through hexloc2 are
printed with EBCDIC translation at the printer. The operand,
hexloc2, mav be from one to six hexadecimal digits; leading zeros are optional;
{. } b"tecou n t JH!J2 *dumpid is a hexadecimal integer designating the number of bytes of
storage (starting with the byte at hexloc1) to be dumped to
the printer. The period (.) must be specified to dump the
contents of more than one storage location by bytecount. The
sum of hexloc1 and bytecount must be an address that does not
exceed the virtual machine size. LI this address is not on a
fullword boundary, it is rounded up to the next highest fullword. The value, bytecount, must be one or greater and can be no longer than six hexadecimal digits. Leading zeros
are optional.
can be entered for descriptive purposes. If specified, it
becomes the first line printed preceding the dump data. Up to 100 characters, with or without blanks, may be specified after
the asterisk prefix. No error messages are issued, but only 100 characters are used, including asterisks and embedded
1. First level storage is real main storage. Jnly second-level storage (storage that is real to the virtual machine) can be
dumped. operating systems running in a virtual machine such as DOS/VS and OS/VS have virtual (third level) storage of their own.
This third-level storage cannot be dumped directly. The user or
the virtual operating system is responsible for converting any
third-level storage locations to second-level storage locations
before issuing the command.
2. The CP command executes in an area of storage separate from vour virtual machine storage and does not destroy any portion of vour storaqe.
3. If the DUMP command is used in CMS mode, use the #CP DUMP command or depress the P!1 key before entering the command.· This procedure
maintains thp virtual machine's registers for the dump. Otherwise,
the registers are those of the CMS command processor.
4. The DUMP command prints the virtual PSi and the virtual registers
(general, floating-point, and control). If only this information
is desired, at least one virtual address must be specified, such as DU!'!P ,., 5. The output format for the virtual storage locations is eight words
per line with the EBCDIC translation on the right. Each fullword
consists of eight hexadecimal characters. All the rest of the
information (PSW, general and floating-point registers, and storage kevs) is printed in hexadecimal. If you have the ECMODE option in yoar directory entry, the control registers are also printed. To print the dump on the real printer, a :LOSE command
section 5. Format of CP Commands 81
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