FiguLe 11 contains an alphabetical list of the CftS commands with a
brief statement about the use of each command. Unless otherwise noted
under Ref. Code, the CMS commands are described in the VM/370 Command MacrQ Fiqure 12 contains an alphabetical list of the CMS commands used by eMS system These commands are described in the VM/310 Syste!. Use the following chart
reference information about
the above publication.
to determine which publication contains
the CMS commands that are not described in
Op Gd SCRIPT DOS PP SPG IPCS Invokes an OS Program product, available from IBM for a
license fee.
Described in the VMLl70 OLTSEP and Error !iuide with
references to OS/VS, VM/J70 and Printing (EREP) Described in the VK/37Q Operator's Invokes a text processor that is an IBM Installed User Program, available from IBM for a license fee.
Invokes a DOS Program Product available from IBM for a license
Described in the VK/37Q System Described in the V8L110 Interactive Problem System (IPCS) User's Guide.
Appendix: VM/370 Command Summary 117
.------ ICommand ACCESS AMSERV ASSEMBLE ASSGN ICMSBATCH I ICOBOL I I I COMPARE I I CONVERT , ICOPYFILE I tCP I ICPEREP , IDDR I , IDEBUG I IDISK I , IDtBL I , DOSLIB DOSLKED DOSPLI DSERV Code Usage IIdentify direct access space to a CftS virtual I machine, create extensions and relate the disk I space to a logical directory. I Invoke Access Method Services utility functions to
create, alter, list, copy, delete, import, or
export VSAM catalogs and data sets.
Assemble assembler language source code.
Assign or unassign a CMS/DOS system or programmer
logical unit for a virtual I/O device.
Invoke the CMS Batch Facility. OS PP Compile OS ANS Version 4 or OS/VS COBOL source
code. IComparE records in CMS disk files. , OS PP IConvert free form FORTRAN statements to fixed form. I ICopy CMS disk files according to specifications. I IEnter CP commands from the CMS environment. I EREP tFormats and edits system error records for output. I Perform backup, restore, and copy operations for
Enter DEBUG subcommand environment, debug mode. Perform disk-to-card and card-to-disk operations
for CMS files.
Define a DOS filename or VSAM ddname and relate
that name to a disk file.
Delete, compact, or list information about the
phases of a CMS/DOS phase library.
ILink-edit CMS text decks or object modules from a I DOS/VS relocatable library and place them in I executable form in a CMS/DOS phase library. I DOS PP ICompile DOS PI/I source code under CftS/DOS. I IDisplay information contained in the DOS/VS core I image, relocatable, source, procedure, and I transient directories.
Figure 11. CMS Command Summary (part 1 of 4) iiB .LEi; ioj3,v CP Command Reference ior General Users
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