N NAPIE operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
named systems, IPL command (CP) for NAMES operand, of QUERY command (CP) nesting, described 36 NETWORK, command (CP), summary 174
nn operand, of ECHO command (CP) 83
nnnnnn operand
of IPL command (CP) (5748-XX8) 88
of IPL command (CP) (5748-XE1) 88 NOCLEAR operand, of IPL command (CP) NOCONT operand, of SPOOL command (CP) NOEOF operand, of SPOOL command (CP) HOHOLD operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of SPOOL command (CP) 141 NOIPL operand, of LOGON command (CP) NORUN operand, of TRACE command (CP) notational conventions 37 NOTERM operand, of SPOOL command (CP) NOTRANS operand, of SET command (CP) NOTREADY o
command (CP) described 104 summary 174
vaddr operand 104 OFF operand
of ADSTOP command (CP) 45
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
of TRACE command (CP) 161
operands, command 4
operands listed, described 8
operating system
for a virtual machine, passing
parameters to 89
initial program load for 88
operating systems
loading 21
141 141 99
passing parameters at IPL . 23
operator, sending messages to 102 OPERATOR operand, of MESSAGE command (CP) 102 ORDER cOllmand (CP) CLASS operand 105 described 105 PRINTER operand 105 PUNCH operand 105 READER operand 105 spoolid operand 105 summary 174 OS Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) 129 P PAGEX operand, of SET command (CP) 129
parameters, passing to a virtual machine
operating system 88 PARM operand, of IPL command (CP) 88
passing parameters to your virtual machine
operating system 89
controlling masking of 157
hiding during logon procedure 99
in valid format· for comma ndline, preca utiol1 with the LINK command (CP) 91
password operand
of LINK command (CP) 91
of LOGON comlland (CP) 99 PFnn operand
of QUERY command (CP) 110 of SET command (CP) 129
power off vs logoff, with 3270 terminal 97
print file requirements, for 3800 printer
printer , virtual, specifying forms
cont rols for 95
printer files, virtual, altering the
attributes of 49 PRINTER operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 of ORDER command (CP) 105 of PURGE command (CP) 107 of QUERY comlland (CP) 110 of SPOOL command (CP) 141
of TRACE command (CP) 16.
contents of virtual machine components 80 Program Status Word (PSi) 80 virtual storage keys 80 virtual storage locations 80 printing first-level storage, with DUMP command (CP) 81 PRIV operand, of TRACE command (CP) 161
privilege class, commands belonging to each
privilege classes
for CP commands
defined 7
summarized 8
privileged instructions, tracing 161
processor, determining, attached or main 109 PROCESSOR operand, of QUERY command (CP) 110 program function keys, controlling 129 PROGRAM operand, of TRACE command (CP) 161 Program Status iord (PSi) changing your virtual machine 150 displaying 74
printing 80 PSi operand, of DISPLAY co.mand (CP) 74 PUNCH operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of PURGE command (CP) 107 of QUERY command (CP) 110 punch files, virtual, altering the
attributes of 49 PUNCH operand
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 of SPOOL command (CP) 141
Index 191
PUNCH operator, of ORDER command (CP) 105 PURGE command (CP) ALL operand 107 CLASS operand 107 described 107 PRINTER operand 107 PUNCH operand 107 READEF operand 107 spoolid operand 107 summary 174 PURGE operand
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
closed files 53
spooled files 141
purging closed spool files 107 Q QUERY comlland (CP) ALL operand 110 CHANNELS operand 110 CLASS operand 110 CONSOLE operand 110 CPUID operand 110 DASD operand 110 described 109 FILES operand 110 GRAF operand 110 LINES operand 110 LINKS operand 110 LOGMSG operand 123 NAMES operand 123 PFnn operand 110 PRINTER operand 110 PROCESSOR operand 110 PUNCH operand 110 READER operand 110 SET operand 110 SPMODE operand (5748-XE1) 110 spoolid operand 110 STORAGE operand 110 summary 174 S370E operand (5748-XE1) 110 TAPES operand 110 TBL operand 110 TERMINAL operand 110 TIME operand 110 UR operand 110 USERS operand 123
vaddr operand 110 VIRTUAL operand 110 VMSAVE operand 110 VMSAVE operand (57!8-XE1) 110 QUERY operand, of TAG command (CP) 154 QVM, command (CP), summary (5748-X]1) 174
reader files, virtual, altering the
attributes of 49
READER operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 of ORDER command (CP) 105 of PURGE command (CP) 107 of QUERY command (CP) 110 of SPOOL command (CP) 141
reading, an entire file continuously 141
read/write access, with LINK command (CP)
91 READY command (CP)
described 125
summary 174
vaddr operand 125
real computer
reset button, simulating 153
restart button, simulating 153
recla iming files, in order to purge 107 reclaiming transmitted files 166
reconfiguring, your virtual machine 26
extended control
displaying 74
printing 80 floating-point
displaying 74
printing 80 general
displaying 74
printing 80 Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem
receiving files 149
TAG command (CP) 154
transmitting files 149
remote terminal, connecting to a virtual
machine 70 removing a virtual device from your virtual
machine 66
REPEAT, command (CP), summary 174 REQUEST command (CP) described 126
performs same function as ATTN
command 47
summary 174
reserved IBM class, described 8
command (CP)
described 127
summary 174
vaddr operand 127
reset button, simulating 153
RESET operand, of SY STE K command (CP) 153
for ADSTOP command (CP) 46
for DETACH CHANNEL command (CP) 69
192 IBM VK/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
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