CP Use the :P command if you
command when CMS read has
signalinq attention to qet
operates similarly when the
format of the co. command is:
are a CMS user and want to execute a CP
been issued to the console, without first
to the CP environment. This statement
console is in the CP environment. The
--------, I CP I [commandline1 rlcommandline2 I ... ]] L I commandline
specifies the name and operands for the CP command or commands you want to issue. You must precede the first commandline with
at least one blank.
1. The pound sign (Il shown in the format block represents the logical
line end symbol currently in effect for your virtual machine. If
you have redefined the loqical line end symbol, you must substitute your line end symbol for the pound sign when using this command.
2. The:P is treated as a null line by the control program and can precede any other command if one or more blanks
separate CP from the other command. The CP command is useful
because it lets the CMS user enter commands without having to know
which environment (CP or virtual machine) he is in.
3. YJU can enter multiple command lines as operands of the :P command
but you must separate each command line by the logical line end (I) If you enter only CP with no operands, the virtual machine
enters the CP environment. CP cancels the virtual machine!s BEAD by returning a unit exception status for the virtual The virtual operating system then reissues the console
READ to allow you to key in the appropriate response to a previous from that machine's operating system. If you enter CP without a commandline, you receive this message: CP If vou enter CP with commandlines, you receive the responses appropriate
to the inaividual commands you entered.
Section 5. Format of CP Commands 59
DEFINE Use the DEFINE command to alter your virtual machine configuration or
channel operatinq mode. The format of the DEFINE command is:
r----------------- I DEFine Reader , Printer I l?Unch I CONsole I CTCa I TIMer , 1403 I 1443 I 2501 , 2540P I 2540F 1 3203 , 3211 , 3505 I 3525 , , CHA'1'!nels , , I LIne , I I , vaddr1 T2305 tJ:'2314 T2319 T3330 T3340 T3350 STORaqe READEB r AS1 FDF -, [AS] vaddr
[ As] {SEt} BMX r 1
r As 1 vaddr II1H1l1J I ITEtE[ 2]1 L J r ,
cuu I 3033 I I 3036 I I 3148 I I 3148 I , 3158 I , 3210 , L J [Asl vaddr2
[As] vaddr [CIL] nnn
r As] {nnnnnK} nnM adds spoolinq 2540 card reader with the address specified by vaddr to the virtual machine configuration. CF Command Beference for General Users
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