READY Use the READY command to
specified victual device.
r--------------- , READY, vaddr
set a device-end interruption pending
The format of the READY command is:
for a
------, I ____ -1 vaddr is a virtual device address (cuu).
1. The status of the virtual machine is unchanged.
2. Othec than having a device-end interruption pending, the virtual
device is unchanged. None.
Section 5. Format of CP Commands 125
REQUEST Use the REQUEST command to make an attention interrupt pending at your
virtual c)nsole. The format of the REQUEST command is:
, I L
1. The REQUEST command performs the same functions as ATTN and the
two commands can be used interchangeably.
2.:p ignores the REQUEST command if I/O is in progress at the
console, or if other interrupts are pending. This condition mar occur if the user issues the REQUEST command using XIOS'. 126 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
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