Section 5. Format of CP Commands
The rormats are described in order except for
special such as the asterisk (*) and the pound sign (I), which appear first.
The command formats are presented in the following order: Command Name: Identifies the name of the command. The name is also included at the top of the page for easy reference. Privilege Class: States the privilege class of the command as Any or
G. of Function: Describes the use. Syntax: Lists the syntax of the command with all the possible operands that you can use. Operand Description: Describes the function of each operand and any values that you can include in the operand. Usaqe Notes: Contains notes about special uses of the command, its operands, combinations of commands or operands. Responses: Describes the CP responses sent to the terminal, caused by of the command. These responses are command responses
and are not to be construed as VM/370 system messages. The command
responses are not prefixed and, therefore, they are not contained in Only CPcommand responses applicable to the
class 3 and class user are contained in this publication. The execution of certain commands may produce system messages.
For example, if you issue the following command:
spool copy 23 you receive the following system message: DMKCSP022E VADDP MISSING OR INVALID DMK is the CP component identifier. CSP is the module identifier (SPOOL command) 022 is the return code.
E is the action code (indicating a severity classification).
msqtext jescribes the error situation in the command line. In this
case, Printer (OOE), Punch (000), or Reader (OOC) was omitted.
Refer to for additional information on system messaqe formats and user action. Section 5. Format of CP :ommands q1
* Use the asterisk (*) to annotate the terminal console sheet or terminal
display screen data with a comment. This commentary also appears in the
virtual c)nsole spool file (if the console spoolinq function is invoked
for the virtual machine). The format of the * (comment) command is:
r---------- , *
L anycomment
42 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users --, I _________J
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