branches, tracing 161
byte alignment, DISPLAY command 29
bytecount operand, VMDUMP command 169 C CAW (Channel Address Word), displaying 74 CAW operand, of DISPLAY command (CP) 74 CCW operand, of TRACE command (CP) 161 CCW translation, controlling 129 CHANGE command (CP) ALL operand 49 CHARS operand 49 CLASS operand 49 COPy* operand 49 COpy operand 49
described 49
DIST operand 49 FCB operand 49
FLASH operand 49 HOLD operand 49 MODIFY operand 49
NAME operand 49 NOHOLD operand 49 PRINTER operand 49 PUNCH operand 49
READER operand 49
summary 172
extended control registers in your
virtual machine 150 filename of a spool file 49
floating-point registers in your virtual
machine 150 general registers in your virtual
machine 150 program Status Word (PSW) in your
virtual machine 150 spool class of a file 49
spool file attributes 49
spoolid of a file 49
virtual storage locations 150 channel c operand, of DETACH CHANNEL command (CP) 69 CHANNELS operand
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 of QUERY comman d (CP) 110 channel-to-channel adapters, virtual,
connecting 57
set 4
translation tables, APL, controlling
157 CHARDEL operand, of TERMINAL command (CP) 157 CHARS operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
commands assigned to each 8
for CP commands 7
spool, changing for a file 49
virtual device spool, modifying 141
class Any, described 9
class G, described 9 CLASS operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of ORDER command (CP) 105 of PURGE command (CP) 107 of QUERY command (CP) 110 of SPOOL command (CP) 141
of TRANSFER command (CP) 166 CLEAR operand
of IPL command (CP) 88
of SYSTEM command (CP) 153
interrupts from a virtual machine 127
storage to zeros 88,153 CLOSE command (CP) CONSOLE operand 53
described 53
DIST operand 53
dsname operand 53
fnft operand 53 HOLD operand 53
NAME operand 53 NOHOLD operand 53 PRINTER operand 53 PUNCH operand 53 PURGE operand 53
READER operand 53
summary 172
vaddr operand 53 HOLD restrictions 53 NOHOLD restrictions 53
restrictions 53 CLOSE operand, of SPOOL command (CP) 141
files 53 TRACE output 33
virtual devices 141 CMS commands, summary of 176 CMS commands for system programmers,
summary of 177
code operand, of EXTERNAL command (CP) 84
name 4
operands 4
command environment CP 3
defined 3
commandline operand
of tcp command (CP) 43
of CP command 59
commands ADSTOP command (CP), halting execution
of virtual machine 27 ATTACH command (CP), with dedicated
devices 20 ATTN command (CP), simulates real
console function 24 CHANGE command (CP), altering spool file
attributes 16 CLOSE command (CP), using with spool
files 16 CMS for system programmers 177
summarized 176 CP, summarized 172
DEFINE command (CP) reconfiguring virtual machine 26
temporary disks 14
186 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
DETACH CHANNEL command (CP), with
dedicated channels 21
DETACH command (CP) removing dedicated devices 20 temporary disks 14 DISPLAY command (CP) displaying virtual
storage 28 DUMP command (CP), printing virtual
storage 30 EXTERNAL command (CP), simulating
interruptions 24
LINK command (CP), sharing virtual disks
14 MESSAGE command (CP), obtaining operator
assistance 21
notational conventions 37 ORDER command (CP), reordering spool PURGE command (CP), deleting spool files
19 QUERY command (CP), determining device
or file attributes 16 REQUEST command (CP), simulates real
console function 24 RSCS, summarized 182 SPOOL command (CP), altering device
attributes 17 STORE command (CP), altering virtual
storage 31
summary of use 172
TRACE command (CP), follow virtual
machine activities 33
used to control a terminal session,
summary of 172
comments, how to write 4
remote terminals to virtual machines 70 virtual channel-to-channel adapters 57
input/output, terminating 141
sheet, annotation of 42
spool file, modifying 141 controlling 141 CONSOLE operand
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 of QUERY comman d (CP) 110 of SPOOL command (CP) 141 CONT operand, of SPOOL comm'and (CP) 141
continuous reading of an entire file 141
control, functions, setting for your
virtual machine 129
Control Program (CP), console function mode
a terminal session, summary of commands
used 172 3270 display 160.1 3270 display 160.1 controlling virtual machine, during
terminals session 11 COPy* operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of SPOOL command (CP) 141 COpy operand
of CHANGE command (CP) 49
of S POOL command (CP) 141 COUPLE CP command (CP) described 57
summary 172
use rid operand 57
vaddr1 operand 57
vaddr2 operand 57
command (CP) commandline operand 59
described 59
summary 172 CP command environment 3 CP commands
belonging to each privilege class 8
entering 24
from CP console function mode 26
from virtual console read mode 26
while running 24
entering from the virtual machine
environment 59
privilege classes, described 8
privilege classes for 7
text format of 41 CPUID operand, of QUERY command (CP) 110 creating disk space with DEFINE command (CP), precautions 60 CSW (Channel Status Word), displaying 74 CSW operand
of DISPLAY command (CP) 74
of TRACE command (CP) 161
CTCA operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 D DASD operand, of QUERY command (CP) 110 DCP, command (CP), summary 172
debugging, programs 27
dedicated channel, detaching 69
dedicated 2305 restriction 60 DEFINE
command (CP) CHANNELS operand 60 CONSOLE operand 60 CTC! operand 60 described 60 GRAF operand 60 LINE operand 60 PRINTER operand 60 PUNCH operand 60 READER operand 60 STORAGE operand 60 summary 172
TFB512 operand (5748-XX8) 60 TFB-512 operand (5748-XE1) 60 TIMER operand 60 T2305 operand 60 T2314 operand 60 T2319 operand 60 T3310 operand 60 T3310 operand (5748-XE1) 60 T3330 operand 60 T3340 operand 60 T3350 operand 60 T3370 operand (5748-XX8) 60 T3370 operand (5748-XE1) 60 Index 187
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