This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC20-1820-3 and Technical
Newsletter GN25-0494. This editio"n applies to §. 11 (Program
Level Chancre) of the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 and to all
subsequent unless otherwise indicated in new editions or
Technical Newsletters.
The entire section headed "CP Command Osage" has been added to show
users how to control virtual machine functions with CP commands. changes and additions to text and illustrations are indicated
by a vertical bar to the left of the change. Chanqes are periodically made to the information contained herein;
before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the Order No. GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current.
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© copyriaht International Business Machines Corporation 1972, 1973,
1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981
This publication is a reference manual that
discusses VM/370 CP commands available to
the general user.
The user should be knowledgeable of the
concepts of VM/370 as outlined in the FaciliiYLl70: l.ntrod];!ction, Order No. GC20-1800. In addition, the user
should be aware of the logon process,
terminal-initiated interrupts, terminal
modes, and the method of switching from CP to virtual machine mode and vice versa.
This information is detailed in the IBM Termina1 order No. GC20-1810. with the commands described in this
publication, the general user can
reconfigure his virtual machine, control
devices attached to his virtual machine,
perform input and output spooling
funct ions, and simulate many other
fUnctions of a real computer console. Other VM/370 CPcommands, available only to system operators, system programmers and
analysts, and service representatives, are
described in the publication 1]11 yirtua! l1£chine x£filiiyLJlQ: QperEtor's Guide, Order No. GC20-1806. This publication is organized in two
parts: "Part 1. Guidance Information" and "Part 2. Reference Information." There is
also an appendix. Part 1 has three sections: "Section 1. The VM/370 Command Languages" describes the VM/370 command
environments and the general structure of
the command lanquages. "Section 2. The CP Command Language"
provides additional information on the CP subset of VM/370 commands.
"section 3 CP Command Usage" describes
the use of CP commands to control terminal
sessions, control I/O devices, test and
debug proqrams, and control virtual machine
Part 2 has two sections: "Sect ion 4. Notational convent ions"
describes the syntax that is used in this
publication to display command formats and
command truncation and abbreviation.
Preface "Section 5. Format of CP Commands"
contains reference data for all the class G
and class Any commands in alphabetical
sequence by command name. The command line
format includes all operands along with a
description of each. Any limitations or
restrictions applicable to the values of
variable operands are also defined.
"Appendix A. VM/370 Command Summary" contains all of the VM/370 commands, by VM/370 component, with a brief description
of each command's function. This is
intended to give the general user a
perspective of the position that the CP class G and class Any commands occupy in
the overall VM/370 command structure.
In this publication, the
terminology is used:
followinq "2305" refers to the IBM 2305 Fixed Head Storage, Models 1 and 2. The term, "3270", is used in this
publication to refer to a series of
display devices, namely, the IBM 3275,
3276, 3277 and 3278 Display Stations. A
specific device type is used only when a
distinction is required between device
types. Information about display
terminal usage also applies to the IBM 3138, 3148, and 3158 Display Consoles
when used in display mode, unless
otherwise noted. Any information pertaining to the IBM 3284 or 3286 printer also pertains to
the IBM 3287, 3288 and 3289 printers
unless otherwise noted. "3262" refers to the IBM 3262 Printer,
Models 1 and 11. "3330" refers to the IBM 3330 Disk Storage Models 1, 2, 11; the IBM 3333
Disk Storage and Control Models 1 and
11; and the 3350 Direct Access Storaqe operating in 3330/3333 Model 1 or 3330/3333 Model 2 compatibility mode. "3340" refers to the IBM 3340 Disk Storage, Models A2, B1, and B2; and the
3344 Direct Access storage, Model B2.
Preface iii
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