QUERY Command for All Classes of Users (Except Class Any). .123 READY. REQUEST. RESET. · REWIND · SET. . · SLEEP. · SMSG . · SPOOL. STORE. · FIGURES .
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Figure 5.
Fiqure 6.
. .125 .126 .127 .128 .129 .139
. . 140 .141
. . .150 The Virtual Machine Facility/ 370 Library ........ , ............. vii
Character sets and Their
Contents •••••• ••••••••••••••• 5 CP privilege Class
Descriptions •• _ ••••• •••••••• 8
Commands Accepted from Each User Class •• ••••••••••••••• 9
Controlling the Virtual Machine During a Terminal Session •••••••••••••••••••••• 13 System Action Taken on a #CP Command •••••••••••••••••• 44 SYSTEM TAG ••• .153 •••• 154 TERftINAL TRACE. .157 •• 161 •• 166
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
Figure 9.
Figure 9A.
Figure 9A.
Figure 10. Figure 11.
Fiqure 12.
Figure 13.
Action Taken on CLOSE for
a Virtual Input Device ••••••• S5
Action Taken on CLOSE for
a Virtual Output Device •••••• 5S Password Requirements on the
Link •••••••••••••• 93 3270 High Intensity
Features ••••••• 160.1 3270 High Intensity
Features (5748-XE1) ••••••• 160.1 CP Command Summary._ •••••••• 173 CMS Command Summary ••••••••• 178 CMS Commands for System Programmers ••••••••••••••••• 183 RSCS Command Summary ••••.••• 184
vi IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
I VM/370 Introduction GC20·1800 1201 VM/370 Glossary and
Master Index GC20·1813 1201 VMl370 Terminal
User's Guide GC20·1810 1401 VM/370 CP Command
Reference for General
Users GC20·1820 1361 VM/370 System r ... GC20·1808 1401 V\1 '370 ... I('m \1C' ... "·lg<. .... IS required for all users of vlftual machines. " Nore· '------,.----' I i CMS U.er I I VM/370 CMS Users I Guide i GC2CJ.1819 139) i + VM/370 CMS Command
and Macro Reference GC20·1818 136) t I '"0'" I Programmer's GUide GC33·4021 1211 + I ",",,,,,",,""'0 I Assembler Language GC33·4010 1211 I I Legend These publications are (ilge5ts of the formats of VM/370 commands and service programs If all documents are to be
ordered. please use Order No. G80F3576 t t OSIVS, DOSIVSE I VM/370 EAEP
Messages 140) I GC38·1045·1 I Operations I VM/370 OpErator's Guide GC20·1806 \40) RSCS User I 1 I
Aemote Spooling I Communications (ASCS) User's GUide GC20·1816 130) VM 370 Quick GUide for Users GX20·1926 136) I VM.·370 Commands
(General User) GX20·1961 (36) I VM/370 Commands (Other than General User) GX20·1995 1361 1.* Indicates that the publication is new in Release 6
2. The number in parentheses is the file number
3.t Contains information on VM/370 EAEP support
System Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) Library
(Release 6)
Support VM/370 Interactive Problem Control System .--------..----- Use:--'s G:..:::::!e I I f all docu men ts
are to be ordered, please use Order No. 580 F ·3802 GC20·1823 1371 VMl370 System Logic
and Problem Determination
Volume 1 Control
Programs tCPl SY20·Q.886 1361 VMi370 System Logic and
Problem Determination
Volume 2 Conversational
Monitor System (CMS) SY20·0887 \36) VM/370 System Logic and
Problem DeterminatlOn
Volume 3 Remote Spool'g Communlcatior'! Subsystem IASCS) SY200888 136) r VM/370 Data Areas and
Control SIOCK Logic SY20·0884 136) +1 VM, 370 Serv.ice Routines I Program LogiC SY20·0882 137) OSIVS and V M/3 70 Assembler Program
Logic SY33·8041 1211 t OSiVS, DOS;VSE, VM/370 Environmental Recording,
Editing, and Printing IE REPI Program GC28W72 137) -. t I Editing, and Printing I IE REP) Program Logic SY28·0773 1371 Figure 1 .. The Virtual Machine Facility/370 Library
Contents vii
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