{TO} {HOLD } P,UH FILE spoolidFOR userid COpy nn NOHOLD CON This response is received if: multiple copies of the file are being the file is being transferred to another user, or the
file is placed in a USER HOLD status. However, if the SET MS3 is this message is not issued even though the preceding
conditions are met. 56 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
COUPLE Use the COUPLE command to connect your virtual (nondedicated) adapter (CTCA) to another user's virtual
channel-to-channel adapter (or to another one of your own virtual adapters). The format of the COUPLE command is:
r COUPLE vaddr1 [To 1 userid vaddr2
vaddr1 is the virtual address (cuu) of your channel-to-channel
adapter. [TOl userid
is the user identification of the virtual machine to which valnr1 is to be connected. If vaddr1 is to be connected to your own virtual machine, userid may be specified as an
asterisk (*). The user must be logged on and have a virtual
channel-to-channel adapter defined. If the keyword TO is
omitted, the userid cannot be "T" or "TO". is the virtual address (cuu) of the channel-to-channel adapter
to be connected to vaddr1.
CTCA vandr1 COUPLE TO userid vaddr2 This is the response you receive when you issue the COUPLE command.
userid vaddr2 is the address of your channel-to-channel adapter.
is the identification of the receiving virtual machine.
is the address of the channel-to-channel adapter of the rece1v1nq user (or a different channel-to-channel adapter
in your own virtual machine).
CTCA vaddr2 COUPLE BY userid vaddr1
This is the response that the user specified by userid receives
when yon issue the COUPLE command.
vaddr2 useria. is the address of the channel-to-channel adapter of the
receivinq user.
is the identification of the user who issued the COUPLE command.
Section 5. Format of CP Commands 51
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