INDICATE nse the INDICATE command to display! at
contention for major system resources.
command is:
your terminal! the use of and
The format of the INDICATE
r I , , I L I r ,
INDicate I I I , USER 1 I L J provides an indication of the operating load of by displaying values on: the number of users in gueue 1 and quecre 2, the usage of real storage, and the ratio of active
users to users being serviced. USER displays the amounts of system resources used by your virtual
machine in the current terminal session.
1. Use INDI:ATE LOAD to display system load conditions.
2. Use INDICATE USER to display the total amount of certain resources
used by your virtual machine durinq the current terminal session. Use the INDICATE USER command before and after the execution of a pLogLam to indicate the execution characteristics of that program
in teLms of the resources used. 01-nn Q2-nn STORAGE-nnn% RATIO-nn.n is a smoothed value that indicates the percentage of time
that the main processor is executing.
is a smoothed value that indicates the percentage of time
that the attached processor is executing. In
uniprocessor mode of operation, VM/370 indicates this
response field as zero.
Q1-nn Q2-nn
indicates the contention fOL CP as represented by
smoothed values of the numbers of users in queue 1 and
queue 2. The values are maintained by the scheduler.
Section 5. Format of CP Commands 85
INDICATE STORAGE-nnn% RATIO-nn.n is a measurement of the use of real storage. It is a
smoothed ratio of the sum of the estimated working sets
of the users in queue 1 and queue 2 (the runlist) to the
number of paqeable pages in the system, expressed as a
percentage. Because the criterion for allowing a user on
the eligible list to enter a queue is that at least 15
percent of his working set size must fit in the available
page frames, the value of STORAGE can be more than 100 percent.
indicates the scheduler contention ratio; RATIO is a
smoothed measure of the contention for real storage, and
is defined as RATIO=(E+M) 1M. M is the number of users in
queue 1 and queue 2 (the runlist), and E is the number of
users waiting to be allocated real storage by the
scheduler and, therefore, temporarily resident in the
scheduler's eligible lists. Thus, RATIO is the ratio of
active users to users being serviced, and is 1.0 for
optimum response. Optimum response occurs when enough
storage is available to accommodate all active users,
assuminq the processor can process their commands. If E
and M are both 0, the value of RATIa is set to 1.0. Values of FATIO=1.5 and M=10 mean that users are in the
eligible lists waiting for the scheduler to allocate real
storage to them, and that the full discrimination ability
of the biased scheduler may be exercisea upon them. PAGES: RES-nnnn WS-nnnn READS=nnnnnn WRITES=nnnnnn DISK-nnnn DRUM-nnnn VTIME=mmm:ss TTIME=mmm:ss SIO=nnnnnn RDR-nnnnnn PPT-nnnnnn PCH-nnnnnn
RES-nnnn WS-nnnn is the current number of your virtual storage pages
resident in main storage. This number is taken at an
instant of time during the execution of the INDICATE
is the most recent system estimate of your working
set size.
READS=nnnnnn is the total number of page reads that have occurred
for you since you loqged on or since the last ACNT
command was issued for your virtual machine.
WRITFS=nnnnnn is the total number of pages written for you since you have logged on or since the last ACNT command was
issued for your virtual machine.
DISK-nnnn is the current number of virtual pages allocated for you on the system paging disk(s). This number is
taken at an instant of time during the execution of
the INDICATE command.
is the current number of virtual pages allocated for you on the system paging drum(s). This number is
taken at an instant of time during the execution of
the INDICATE coromand. 86 IBM CP Command Reference for General Users
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