of CMS commands 176
of CP commands 172
of RSCS commands 182
suppressing, automatic IPL of a virtual
machine operating system 99 SVC operand, of TRACE command (CP) 161 SYSTEM command (CP) CLEAR operand 153
descr ibed 153 RESET operand 153 RESTART operand 153
summary 175
system analyst, described 8
system nessages vs CP command responses 41 S YST EM operand
of SPOOL command (CP; 141 VMDUMP command 169
system operator, primary, described 8
system programmer, described 8
system resource operator, described 8
system resources, indication of 85 S370E operand, of QUERY command (CP) (5748-XE1) 110 T
TABCHAR operand
of TERMINAL command (CP) 157
of TERMINAL command (CP) (5748-XX8) 157
of TERMINAL command (CP) (S748-XE1) 157
command (CP) described 154 DEV command
FILE operand QUERY operand
summary 175
TAG command (CP) 154
altering TAG information 154
transmitting files to remote location
use with SPOOL command 148
tapes, rewinding 128 TAPES operand, of QUERY command (CP) 110 TBL operand, of QUERY command (CP) 110 temporary, virtual disks 14
temporary disk space, formatting and
clearing 60 TERM operand, of SPOOL command (CP) 141 TERMINAL command (CP) APL operand 157
ATTN operand 157
CHAR DEL operand 157
described 157 ESCAPE operand
HILIGHT operand
HILIGHT operand
LINEDEL oper and
LINEND operand
LINESIZE operand 157
157 (5748-XX8) (.,274 8-XE1) 157
157 MASK operand 157 MODE operand 157
summary 175
TABCHAR operand 157
157 157 TABCHAR operand (5748-XX§) 157
TABCHAR operand (574S-XE1) 157 TEXT operand 157
TERMINAL operand
of QUERY command (CP) 110 of TRACE command (CP) 161
console, disconnecting from your virtual
machine 72
control of attention handling 157
input/output processing, controlling
line length, controlling 157
remote, connecting to a virtual machine 70 session
altering virtual storage 31
changing spool file characteristics
commands used to control, summary of
controlling I/O functions 11
controlling virtual machine 21
debugging programs 27
dedicated channels 21
dedicated devices 19
determining the length of time of 109 displaying virtual storage 27
entering CP commands 24
logging on 21
purging spool files 19
querying spool file characteristics
reordering spool files 19
setting spool file characteristics
simulating interruptions 24
spooling 15
store virtual machine status 32
testing programs 26
tracing virtual machine activity 33
virtual console spooling 18
virtual disks 13
virtual disks, permanent 14
virtual disks, temporary 14
virtual unit record devices 15
testing using the ECHO command (CP) 83
console input/output 141
processing of files 53
programs 26
terminal 83 TEXT, control of translation tables 157
text format, of CP 41 TEXT operand, of TERfHNAL command (CP) 157
TFB-512 devices
defining fixed-block mode 60 defining fixed-block mode 60 TFB512 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 TFB-512--o-perand., of DEFI-NE command (CP) (5748-111) 60 time, determining length for a terminal
session 109 TIME operand, of QUERY cOllmand (CP) 110 timer, virtual, controlling 129
Index 195
TIME R operand
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 of SET command (CP) 129 TO * operand, VMDUMP command 169 TO operand
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
of TRANSFER command (CP) 166 TO userid operand, VMDUMP command 169 TRACE command (CP) ALL operand 161 BOTH operand 161 BRANCH operand 161 CCW operand 161 CSW operand 161
described 161
END operand 161
EXTERNAL operand 161 INSTRUCT operand 161 I/O operand 161 NORUN operand 161 OFF operand 161 PRINTER operand 161 PRIV operand 161 PROGRAM operand 161 RUN operand 161 SIO operand 161
summary 175 SVC operand 161 TERftINAL operand 161 TRACE output, closinq 33
fixed-block mode device information 163
fixed-block mode device information (5748-11;1) 163
virtual machine activity 33,161 TRANSFER command (CP) ALL operand 166 CLASS operand 166
described 166 FROM operand 166
spoolid operand 166
summary 175 TO operand 166
userid operand 166
to a virtual reader 166
to another user 141
translating, CCWs, controlling 129
spool files
locally 147
to remote locations 148
T 2305 operand, of DEFINE com man d (CP) 60 T2314 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 T2319 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 T3310 operand
of DEFI NE command (CP) 60 of DEFINE command (CP) (2748-XE1) 60 T3330 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 T3340 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 T3350 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 T3370 operand
of DEFINE command (CP) (5748-XX8) 60 of DEFINE command (CP) (5748-XEj) 60 U underscore, use of 38 UNLOCK, command (CP), summary 175
uppercase (letters and words) and special
symbols, use of 38 UR operand, of QUERY command (CP) 110 USER operand
of INDICATE command (CP) 85
of QUERY command (CP) 123
userid operand
of COUPLE command (CP) 57
of DIAL command (CP) 70 of LINK command (CP) 91
of LOGON command (CP) 99
of "ESSAGE command (CP) 102 of 5"SG command (CP) 140 of SPOOL command (CP) 141
of TRACE command (CP) 166
using virtual forms control buffer V with the 3289E printer (5748-XX8) 95
with the 3289E printer (5748-IE1) 95
vaddr operand
of CLOSE command (CP) 53
of DETACH command (CP) 66
of DIAL command (CP) 70 of IPL command (CP) 88.
of LINK command (CP) 91
of LOADVFCB command (CP) 95
of NOTREADY command (CP) 104 of QUERY command (CP) 110 of READY command (CP) 125
of RESET command (CP) 127
of REWIND command (CP) 128
of SPOOL command (CP) 141
vaddr1 operand, of COUPLE command (CP) 57
vaddr2 operand, of COUPLE command (CP) 57 VARY, command (CP), summary 175
virtual console
disconnecting from your virtual machine
read environment 26
spooling 17,141
virtual devices
closing 141
defining 60 detaching from your virtual machine 66
determining number of for your virtual
machine 109 determining the status of 109 I/O, defining for your virtual machine 60 removing from your virtual machine 66
simulating not ready.status for 104 specifying a device-end interrupt for
virtual disks, permanent 14
virtu al machine
activity, tracing 161
configuration, altering 60 determining status of 109 device, linking to 91
directory entry 12
disconnecting 97
execution, resuming 48
196 IBM VM/370 CP Command Reference for General Users
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