logging off of 97
logging on 99
operating system, passing parameters to
placing in a dormant state 139
reconfiguring 26
sending and processing special messages 140 setting control functions for 129
storing information from 150 tracing activity 33
virtual machine environment, entering a CP command from 59 VIRTUAL operand, of QUERY com.and (CP) 110 virtual printer , specifying forms controls
for 95
virtual storage, altering 31 virtual storage locations
changing 150 printing 80 virtual timer, controlling 129
virtual unit record devices 15
virtual volumes (3330V). defining 60 VMDUMP command (CP) *dumpid operand 169
bytecount operand 169 DSS operand 169 FORMAT vmtype operand 169
hexloc1 operand 169
hexloc2 operand 169 SYSTEM operand 169 TO * operand 169 TO userid operand 169 VMSAVE operand
of QUERY command (CP) (5748-XX8) 110 of QUERY command (CP) .(5748-XE1) 110 of SET command (CP) (5748-XX8) 129
of SET command (CP) (57!8-XE1) 129 VMIVS handshaking, control of 129 W WARNING, command (CP), summary 175 WNG operand, of SET command (CP) 129 writing, comments in VM/310 4
clearing storage to 153
clearing storage to via IPL 88
clearing storage to via SYSTEM command (CP) 153
1 1403 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 1443 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 2 2501 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 2540P operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 2540R operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 3 3203 device
as DEFINE operand 60 LOADVFCB restrictions 95 3203 operand, 3203 printer,
controls for
3211 operand,
3211 printer,
cont rolsfor
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 virtual, specifying forms
of DEFINE command (CP) 60 virtual, specifying forms
3262 operand
of DEFINE command (CP) (5748-XX8) 60 of DEFINE command (CP) (5148-XE1) 60 3270 device message length 102,140 3270 terminal, pover off vs logoff,
precautions 91 3270 terminal display
highlighting features available (5748-XX8) 160 highlighting features available (5148-XE1) 160.1 3289E operand
of DEFINE command (CP) (5148-1X8) 60 of DEFINE command (CP) (5748-XB1) 60 3289B printer
loading a virtual forms control buffer (5148-XX8) 95
loading a virtual forms control buffer (5748-XE1) 95 3505 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 3525 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 370E operand, of SET command (CP) (5148-XE1) 129 3800 operand, of DEFINE command (CP) 60 3800 printer
modifying device attributes 141
modifying spool file attributes 51
print file 49
spooling output to one 147
using CHANGE command (CP) 51
using SPOOL command 141 3850 Mass Storage Systems (see MSS) Index 197
198 IBM VM/370 CP Command Beference for General Users
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