SLEEP Use the SLEEP command to place the virtual machine in a dormant state
but allow messages to be displayed. You can specify a sleep interval in
the line and the virtual machine is awakened automatically when
the specified interval has elapsed. The of the SLEEP command is:
r , r r " , , ,SECII , SLeep I I nn I !1!.NI I , IHRsl1 L L .J..J L
r r " I ISECII ,nn I 111.N1 I I !H1sll L L J J
indicates the number of seconds, minutes, or hours, measured by the clock, that the virtual machine is to
remain dormant. The value nn can be any decimal number from 00 through 99. If you specify no time unit, the value of nn
is taken to be in minutes.
1. During the dormant period, the virtual machine does not run but time is still being counted.
2. The terminal can be awakened at any time by signaling attention.
3. If n) interval is specified, the virtual machine remains dormant
until awakened by signaling attention.
4. If y)U issue the SLEEP command from a CP read or from a VM read
using the CP "escape" function (ICP SLEEP), the end of the time interval or signalinq attention returns you to the CP environment.
5. If y)U issue the SLEEP command while in virtual machine mode (for
examole, execution of the command line CP SLEEP), the end of
the time interval or signaling attention returns your terminal to virtaal machine mode without entering the CP environment.
6. The SLEEP command, with the time interval, is a convenient way to delay or schedule the execution of certain jobs that could be run more efficiently at a later time; for example, second shift. None. section 5. Format of CP Commands 139
SMSG nse the command to send a special message to a virtual machine proqrammed to accept and process the message. The format of the SKS3 command is:
r----------T ---, , S Msq I userid msgtext , L __________ .L ___ J user id is the receiving aserid as "*", yourself. virtual machine's logon ID; if you specify
it indicates the message is to be sent to
msqt ext is the text of the message that is to be transmitted. Because
the input baffers on various console devices differ, the
length of the message is limited by the number of characters
remaining on the input line after entering the command and the aserid. For example: A 3270 display device contains a 139
character input buffer. If you enter:
1 smsg pd58gh1c --------- 14 characters used
sm u '-v--' 5 characters used
special message ------------- 125 characters left
special message ---------- 134 characters left NQtg: the 3270 display unit contains 139 characters
in its input area, CP only reads 134 characters of data. When the SMSG command is issued using DIAGNOSE X'08', only 132
characters are read by CP. Special messages do not appear on the specially programmed
machine's· screen because the messages are designed instcactions that are passed as data parameters. The messaqes are stored in the prespecified VMCF data receiving
they are received, and the instructions are processed
pcoqrammed virtual machine.
to be
area as
by the
2. Virtlal machines can only receive and process special messages ander these two conditions: (1) the virtual machine has issued the SET SMSG command, and (2) the user wishing to receive special messaqes has issued an AUTHORIZE with the Virtual Kachine Cornm'lnication Facility (VMCF) of VM/370. Refer to §y!gg for more
information on the AUTHORIZE function of VMCF. None lUO Reference for General Users
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